Mobilization against the proposed "security package" law - call for protests on 19th and 31st of January 2009 in Rome.
The Italian parliament will soon approve a new "security package" law which will negatively affect the lives of migrants. Beside increasing the period of detention for migrants and making illegal entry a crime, the law will affect the daily life of people putting at risk the right to health, the right to have a family, the right to send remittances home.
Several groups of activists and migrants are organizing in Rome a series of mobilizations against the law. In order to inform about the new legal provisions and the response of the movement, a summary of the call was translated into English (and other languages).
Call for a mobilization against the law "Pacchetto Sicurezza" 17th and 19th January 2009
On January 19th, 2009 in the Italian Parliament the voting procedure to approve the law "Pacchetto sicurezza" (DdL 733) will begin. This law will result in migrants facing greater segregation and increased racism.
The new law will mean:
- that migrants who go to hospital can be reported to the police if they do not have a residence permit
- that migrants without a residence permit cannot legally recognize their children
- that migrants must have the residence permit for two years before they can marry
- that migrants must present a residence permit to send any money home. Moreover, the proposed law:
- increases the detention of migrants up to 18 months
- asks for a fee of 200 euros every time a residence permit is released or renewed
- makes illegal entry a crime
This law denies fundamental human rights such as the right to the private life and the right to live with our own children. This law regards all migrants because according to the Bossi-Fini law when a migrant loses her/his job she/he becomes illegal.
We refuse racism, explotation and control!
For this reason, we invite all of you to a public assembly which will take place at 8pm on 8th January at the ex-Snia Viscosa, Via Prenestina 173, to discuss and organize a mobilization against the law planned for Saturday the 17th and which we intend to continue during its discussion in Parliament.
Update: The mobilization day was postponed to the 31st January, due to the national demo in support of Palestine on January 17th. More than 150 people (at least half of them were migrant activists) took part in the assembly to launch the march on the January 31st.
Monday 19th of January 2009 - Roma
Sit-In-Protest in front of the senate from 10:00 am in Piazza Navona
Saturday 31st of January 2009 - Roma
Demonstration, meeting point at 2:30 pm in Piazza Maggiore
info: pacchettosicurezza (at) anche.no