Nearly one year after the media show of the destruction of Calais' "Jungle", the refugees are still here, searching in Europe a place to stay and where to make their life.
In the North of France, from Paris to Calais, along the motorways and the along the coast, they continue to live in makeshift camps, known as "jungles", or in unused buildings. Waiting for a possibility to go further, to England, or facing the multiple obstacles on the way to obtain asylum. Amongst them, an important proportion of minors.
A group of organisations working with refugees proposes a « Jungle-tour » : the project is to link by bike the different places in the region where these refugees stay, doing a tour of Nord-Pas-de-Calais by several stages, from the 4th until the 12th of July 2010.
The "Jungle-tour" will be an occasion to give support to the refugees and to the associations which support them. It will go to meet them from Arras to Lille through Calais, Dunkerque and the different places known where they are.
It will be an occasion to remember the population, the authorities, the medias, that the problem is still here, and needs solutions human and respecting the persons' rights.
The "Jungle-tour" will move by bike from the 4th until the 12th of July, by small stages of 30 - 60 km per day. It's possible to take part in the whole tour or only in a part. Accommodation will be organised by local associations (take a tent and a sleeping bag). The cycling group will be autonomous for its food (foresee 5 to 10 € for the shopping organised together by the group).
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