The Border Monitoring Project Ukraine (BMPU) has produced a report concerning the Refoulement of Refugees and Minors on the Eastern Borders of the EU, the situation in Ukraine and the responsibility of the European Union.
From the introduction:
"Refoulement appears as a common practice at the external borders of Eastern EU member states. It cannot be explained away as an exceptional case, or as a by-product of a system still under construction. Rather, this practice must be considered to be a systematic violation of international law."
From the conclusions:
"Refugees and migrants experience a chain of injustice in the triangle of Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine. Arrests, rejected applications for asylum, illegal returns from EU member states, insults and mistreatment at Ukrainian border posts, and month of detention in Chop or Volyn mark a string of abuse and exclusion."
The core of the report is based on interviews with refugees and other vulnerable migrants the BMPU conducted in 2009 and 2010.
Report by Border Monitoring Project Ukraine:
Access to Protection Denied
Refoulement of Refugees and Minors
on the Eastern Borders of the EU -
the case of Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine
:: Full report as pdf here
More information: :: bordermonitoring-ukraine.eu