Call for 1st of March 2012 - transnational migrants strike: Avusturya makes language it's number one of problems. Simple solution: Compulsory German.
Hayır, Jo, Lo, Ne, Njet, Nein, Non, Nu! Not with us!
With "Ausschluss Basta!" 2011 we refused to play a role in the big Austrian Integration-Sketch.
This year we speak about speaking: Our shared language is not German! We appeal for a strike against the compulsory German. Let us all speak the language of same rights – on the 1st of March at the transnational migrantsstrike.
Let's Sprachstreik the one-language-show down!
At construction sites, in factories, in the catering industry, in the retail sector, in offices, in hospitals, at the university, in transport, at home … for 50 years we worked together at so many different places and understood eachother in so many different languages – in German, but not only in German. So now this doesn't count anything anymore? What now counts is: A1-Tests, B1-verifications, C1-certificates – everywhere German!
Whoever has no money, no power and no time left to study for the B1-test at highschool-level after work, can't even feel safe to be allowed to stay here in this country. Political rights go on receding into a dim distance. Completely without having to proof their lan-g.a.u.-geskills, the majority with the "right" EU-Passport living in Austrija enjoys many rights, meanwhile others have to proof their skills in tests. Because there is no free German-Course-offer additional to these duties, it means extra-costs for those in need. The language-courses for german in the processing points for asylum-seeking refugees are not even sufficient to get through everyday life, not to mention competing with the aliens police in talks. Once again there is one thing shown to migrants, using language as the sonic barrier: You have never belonged to Autriche and will never do.
But there is one thing you are in Österreich: You are blamed for everything. The latest thing which is your fault is the education misery. And therefor we have compulsory German, because how could we justify the myth of the education-immune, PISA-study-crashing parallel world otherwise?!
Austri graduates with distinction from the course: Blocking access to education and parting (so called) well and less educated classes. On the contrary it totally fails the classes: Fighting against Social Disparities, Providing enough Language-Courses and Supporting of Native-Language-Classes.
Austria is an IN-MIGRATION-LAND, got it?!
The worst place for education politics is the interior ministry: It is not "just" setting German as the only language in Rakúsko, it is also setting a defaming speaking against asylumseekers: "asylum misuse", "bogus asylum seeker", "illegals" and, the latest thing, "Ankerkinder". Instead of broaching the issue of the living conditions of refugees, only verbal encroachments come out of their mouths.
But it is not just this: Avustyria fears its cultural break-down. Koroška is already doomed, due to Slovenisation and a mouthfull of bilingual place-name-sign. It is Viyana again, it has to be protected and defended again – this time without a town wall, thanks to duty here and enforcement there.
Don't you dare to order your bread in türkçe or na našem or the employee attempts to answer in türkçe or na našem! Oh my gosh, the Viennese way of living goes down the drain!
Nic nenì! As much as Carinthia has alway been Koroška too, Vienna has always been Beč, Bech, Bécs, Dunaj, Vídeň, Viena and Viyana. The Problem is not the variety of languages, it is the attempt to reign people through language, through vilification of language, through denial of speaking, through enforcement of speech, through language-certifications.
We talk equalish, funnyish, politicalish and combativish. Rozumiješ mi?
We don't let us germanize. We are here and we talk multilingual! With our own accent or some slang on the street, the righ kinda talkin at work, in school in several languages and how we like it, how we think it is accurate. Because it is our right and our joy and because speaking is our way of fighting!
Equal rights (of speaking) for everyone!
Raise your voice!
Sprachstreik now!