The Case of the Killing of an African Woman in Frankfurt Job Centre - Reaction From Kassel Branch.
The African community in Germany wishes to bring to the notice of the authorities and general public about the satanic and racially motivated killings of Africans by the German police.
On the 19th of May 2011, the African community received shocking news that an African woman with a German nationality was unlawfully shot death by the German police in Frankfurt job centre. The victim as reported is 39 years old mother who has spent about 16 years in Germany.
The Concerned Nigerians in Kassel are joining forces with the African Immigrant Integration Centre, Arbeit Pan Afrikanismus Muenchen, the International Advocacy for Human Rights and Anti-Corruption, The Voice Refugee Forum and' other African Communities who have been unequivocally condemning these barbaric police killings that target mostly Africans residing in Germany.
Over the years there have been series of killings of Africans in Germany by the police. An African "Oury Jalloh" from Guinea Bissau was killed in police custody in Dessau. Other cases such as that of N'deye Mariam Sarr, Halim Dener, John Achidi, Aamir Ageeb, Arumugasamy Subramaniam and Dominique Koumadio are some of the unresolved cases of killings by the German police. It is pathetic that Africans have been faced with humiliation, killed and segregated in Germany with little or no sympathy from the German authorities. It is sad to note that the perpetrators of these crimes have not been brought to justice.
Despite the council of Europe Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms stated in article 2 paragraph 1, which states that everyone's right to life shall be protected by law, yet the police that are supposed to protect human life have been the facilitators of killings in Germany.
We want to draw the attention of the general public and to Africans in particular that Germany as a high contracting party to the 1954 European Convention on Human Rights have displayed through their actions and inactions constant violation of the right and freedom protected under the convention. Therefore, we call on German authority to establish with immediate effect an independent enquiry to investigate:
1. The killing of Mary
2. The role of the job centre in Frankfurt during this shooting
3. To establish immediate contact with the deceased family in Nigeria and implement proper immediate arrival of her family member from Nigeria before her burial
4. To ensure that members of African communities are informed about the procedures and processes of the burial to enable them pay her their last respect.
5. Whether in a situation of civil disobedience like this, should a police use life ammunition approach?
6. To what extent had the police arrogance when dealing with Africans contributed in provoking the victim
7. The accurate history of her mental state and level of care that she has received before her unlawful killing and
8. To re-visit the cases of all Africans killed by the police in the past
We would not tolerate un-necessary delay that will result in sweeping this case under the carpet as usual. We believe that the officer and all involved should face trial and that the head of the police division concerned should be vicariously liable for this offence.
Further, we would like to express our disappointment with the German media as they have once more exhibited their bias and absurd
broadcasting and publishing of incidents that involves Africans. That they only present negative image of Africa is not new in Germany. However we believe that as they enjoy the freedom of expression provided under Art 10 of the 1954 Convention on Human Rights they should be courageous enough to be honest and not embarking on a cheap propaganda designed not to attract sympathy to the victim of this horrific event. There is clear evidence that the media report on this incident favours the police, this poses a great risk of influencing justice. It is very ridiculous that the German press have assumed the role of the judge as they have already established the defence of "Self defence" for the defendant police officer, see, The Bild 20 May 2011 at page 6, and have judged the victim who only requested for her entitlement as a violent person. We say to the Bild and other bias German media shame on you, the German media deliberate reference to her country of origin and undermining her current status as a German and also emphasis on the location of the incident as a (care centre for drug addicts and homeless people) are designed just to make Ms. Christy Schwundeck less human but we Africans strongly believe she is not less human nor irrelevant. Therefore we are demanding equal right and justice for her.
In relation to the unlawful killing of Ms. Mrs. Christy Schwundeck the African community is not only disappointed with the media handling of the issue but also with the entire Hessen Government. We are disappointed with the mayor of Frankfurt, Hessen Prime Minister, Hessen internal affairs minister, Frankfurt police chief and Hessen police chief for not condemning publicly this police barbaric act. Their dead silence appears to be in support of the highly racist and malicious police officers that have taking the life of Mrs. Christy Schwundeck from her child and family.
Further, on the side of the authorities we would like to question the legal experience of the Oberstaatsanwalt Thomas Bechtel whom according to The Bild of 20th may 2011 without waiting for the completion of investigation stated that it looks like the officer involved acted in self defence. We demand that he declares his bias mind and stay away from the trial.
However, any obstruction of justice would be met with a decisive responds from the entire African Community and their supporters. We are calling on all Nigeria ethnic groups to start immediate mobilising of Nigerians, Africans and supporters in their various cities for yet to be announced national demonstration in Germany in solidarity to the gentle soul of Ms. Christy Schwundeck and other Africans who have lost their lives in the hands of the German police, the world most notorious racial institution.
Fellow Africans as we keep suffering violent in the hands of German police bravely we shall respond, may this be a wakeup call we shall not sit and watch the German police brutalise and eliminate us. We hope that the German society will ever get real with integration and not focussing on destroying Africans mentally. Our fight against the police brutality and killing of Africans has started and will continue. We will not stay calm about the crime against us.
To this end, we want to express our concern about the silence from the authorities as this attitude of say nothing and do nothing is not far from that applied during holocaust, to this effect, we are demanding a public apology and condemning of this ugly act from the Hessen Government and the media.
Finally, please stand up Africans and don't give up the fight for justice the demand for justice is sole responsibility of we the living. Ms. Christy Schwundeck and all those Africans killed by German police expect us to fight for justice so that they can rest in peace.