Border- monitoring's report on Bulgaria, published in July 2014. The making of the report was undertaken by four independent researchers and follows structural conditions in the country which place asylum-seekers and refugees in an extremely vulnerable position as well as their current precarious situation.
The themes covered in the report are as follows:
1. Push-backs and violence at the Bulgarian border
2. From overcrowded camps to the production of homelessness
3. Integration in flux: a path to exclusion in a state of chaos
4. Xenophobia and racists assaults: institutions, far-right, street violence
5. Asylum procedures: the legal experts' opinion
6. Europe's most unwanted: restrictions on free movement
It is available as :: PDF download.
Bordermonitoring advises against the conduct of Dublin returns to Bulgaria until the country can ensure dignified treatment of all asylum-seekers and refuges on its territory. Bordermonitoring continues to closely follow the developments in Bulgaria.