Meeting point: Saturday, 3rd of October 2015, 1pm @ Christian-Broda-Platz / Westbahnhof (U3/U6), Vienna. March to the parliament. Festival @ Heldenplatz.
Saturday, 3rd of October 2015, Vienna
1:00 pm[b] Meeting point @ Christian-Broda-Platz / Westbahnhof (U3/U6)
March to the parlament
[b]3:30 pm Manifestation in front of the parliament
4:30 pm 'Voices for refugees' - Festival at Heldenplatz
Call by "Platform for a Human Asylum Policy"
We invite all solidarity-based and anti-racist initiatives and private individuals to take to the streets on 3 October, together with the refugees concerned, against the government's racist asylum policies. Take part and support the mobilisation for the mass demonstration. We welcome all refugees, whether they have been forced to flee because of war, political persecution, economic destruction or for other reasons - reasons for seeking asylum that have not least been created by colonisation and exploitation by the wealthy countries.
Help: mithelfen (at) menschliche-asylpolitik.at or 0681/1043 0201
Austrian government policies are in blatant contradiction to the clear position of solidarity of the Austrian people. Every day new initiatives are being set up. People are driving to Traiskirchen and to other refugee camps to offer help, make donations or just to show solidarity.
There is no justification for the inhumane treatment of the refugees. What lies behind this is state racism allied with political calculation. Of course, interior minister Mikl-Leitner could prevent children having to sleep on the bare ground. There have been enough offers from municipalities and private accommodation owners. They have been rejected, because this kind of solidarity-based accommodation for asylum seekers would have pulled the rug from under the xenophobic politics. It is not true that Austria and its people would be completely overburdened. In truth the government is even trying to prevent the aid that has been offered reaching its destination.
With our demonstration we want to give a voice to everybody who says that this inhuman asylum policy must stop:
- For humane treatment and quality standards in the care of refugees! A decent roof over everybody's head immediately!
- No to "fortress Europe" - open the borders and stop the deaths in the Mediterranean! Right of residence for everyone who seeks protection here!
- Immediate resignation of the minister of the interior!
Platform for a Human Asylum Policy