Idomeni got violently evicted in the morning of 9th of December 2015. Report by activists of the No Border Kitchen.
On the 9th of December 2015 the refugee camp in Idomeni at the greek-macedonian border was evicted by the police. The camp came into being four weeks ago and has been expanding massively over the last weeks since the border has been closed by Macedonia for all refugees, except for those of Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan nationality. The situation in the camp got worse and worse, sanitary facilities and food supply by NGOs were insufficient for the growing number of people. This is why we decided to create a No Border Kitchen in Idomeni. In cooperation with refugees we ensured food supply for approximately 3000 people a day.
Wednesday morning around 8 o clock the police began to evict the camp. The refugees had no time to pack their belongings, many tents were destroyed and the camp was left behind in a state of devastation. Refugees were not allowed to leave the camp on their own but were forced to get on busses probably going to Athens. Although there is information that people had to continue from Athens or were forced to leave the bus on the open highway.
In some cases the police used open violence towards refugees, children and teenagers among them, who refused to leave their tents voluntarily. Cries of pain were heard from the tents entered by the police. Some refugees were separated from the others and got arrested, beaten and removed from the camp in police cars.
Attempts to observe what was happening were prevented by the police. Also we were informed that taking pictures was illegal. People who tried to take photos anyways got shouted at, beaten and arrested. Even people watching the events from distance were sent away. Not even journalists were allowed to enter the camp as the whole area surrounding Idomeni was blocked. Journalists who tried to take pictures were arrested. In general there seemed to be a great interest in keeping the public from witnessing what was going on in Idomeni.