15 AktivistInnen des 9. Kollektivs der Pariser Sans Papiers befinden sich seit dem 17. März 2005 im UNICEF-Büro in Paris im Hungerstreik. Das Büro wurde besetzt um auf das Schweigen der UNICEF bei Einsperrung und Abschiebung von papierlosen Jugendlichen aufmerksam zu machen.
Der Hungerstreik wurde beschlossen, nachdem die UNICEF die Sans Papiers beschuldigt hatte Kinder zu manipulieren um die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf deren Situation zu lenken.
Englische übersetzung des Textes der zur Besetzung des UNICEF-Büros in Paris geschrieben wurde (Original auf französisch):
"Today ultra-repressive laws are lead against sans-papiers. The children who until now haven t been spared are now even more greatly threatened. More and more frequently the police arrest children, as well as the unborn children of pregnant women, as well as children from primary and secondary schools to put them in detention with their parents and finally to be expelled.
The detention of children to be escorted out of the country are legal and political and above all human problems. It is Against the Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by France.
The conditions of life in these "waiting zones" are also very disturbing. Foreign minors kept in waiting zones don t benefit at all from any specialised protection regime which ought to be implemented. (Interpretation problems and Inability to understand the procedures being applied. They are kept in inappopriate accomodation. Asylum claims are considered as manifestly unfounded. They are subjected to violence, abuse and moral abuse).
The presence of foreign children and their parents at UNICEF since the 4th of March is the expression of an unbearable situation. The rights of children are being ignored and we are here to denounce this. We demand that UNICEF whose primary function is the defence of the rights of children take an official position so that our children will be protected from deportations and the parents given their papers. We stay more than ever mobilise and determined in this struggle until there will be just satisfaction of demands, to be able to live in dignity. "
Please take action wherever you are to condemn the silence of the UNICEF on the rights of refugee and migrant children and to show your solidarity for the bravery of the sans papiers who are in their 30th day of hungerstrike
Contact UNICEF UK and make your feelings known
Unicef London
Africa House
64-78 Kingsway
WC2B 6NB (Map)
webmaster (at) unicef.org.uk
Tel: 020 7405 5592
Fax: 020 7405 2332