Mass mobilization on March 8, 2008 for the legalization of all undocumented migrant workers and refugees. Third station of the Transnational Chain of Migration-related Action "In the "heart of the monster" - Fighting the borderregime! Transnationalization now!"
In the last national assemblies of migrants' and antiracist networks - held after the huge migrants' demonstration of October 24, 2007 in Brescia - we shared the necessity of developing the political discourses concerning migrant labour and citizenship. Therefore, together with other groups working in many Italian cities, we decided to open a space for political discussion. On March 8, in Turin, a conference will take place about migrant labour and irregularity, crucial categories to understand the particular composition of labour that characterizes a city like Turin.
The meeting is very important in the light of the particular political situation in Italy: it is urgent to imagine and anticipate the frame and the contents of migrants' struggles in the years to come. It is urgent to stress again the centrality of migrant labour and of migrants' protagonism, knowing that the institutional forces who are campaigning to govern Italy are not available to change two unacceptable laws: the Turco-Napolitano and the Bossi-Fini.
Most of all, after Amsterdam and Sevilla, the meeting in Turin is the third station of the Transnational Chain of Migration-related Action "In the "heart of the monster" - Fighting the borderregime! Transnationalization now!"- which will continue in Bamako, Athens, London, Warsaw, Hamburg, Malmoe, Ceuta. In this frame, our aim is to contribute to the construction of a massive migrants' demonstration on May the 1st, 2008. A demonstration that, in the context of the Transnational Chain and in direct connection with the United States migrants' struggle for legalization of this year, aim to stress the transnational and global dimension of migrants' struggles.
The meeting in Turin will start in the morning (10 am), when Najat Achak (Tavolo Migranti - Frassanito Network) will take a speech about the Transnational Chain of Action and Edda Pando (Associazione Todo Cambia - Milano) will explain our proposal toward a massive migrants' demonstration on the first of May. Four speeches will then introduces the question of migrant labour, irregularity and legalization (Salvatore Cominu - Sandro Mezzadra - Paola Rudan - Devi Sacchetto). In the afternoon, the conference will continue with an assembly where migrants' and antiracist networks will share their experiences of autonomous organization and struggle.
The conference will take place at the Circolo Fuori Luogo, corso Brescia 14/c, Torino.