In the afternoon of the 24th of July 2009, some 25 activists met in front of the French embassy in Vienna to protest against raids, evictions and deportations of migrants in Calais and all-around.
After a short consultation, we decided to give the leaflet (:: here as pdf) to the embassador. We were not let into the embassy, but one employee came out to talk with us through the gate. It seems that he was informed about the situation in Calais and we told him, that the french Government has to stop the repression against migrants immediately - he should tell this to his president Sarkozy. He said that he will see and went back to his office, accompanied with the slogan "No Border, No Nation, Stop Deportation". Some hand written posters were fixed to the wall beside the entrance of the embassy and leaflets were given to passers-by. We left the scene before numerous police arrived. It was not a strong-willed protest, but a signal of solidarity with the migrants in Calais and all-around.
:: Pictures from the action in at.indymedia.org
:: Calais Migrant Solidarity (english)
:: articles about french borderregime in no-racism.net (deutsch/english)
Article first published in :: at.indymedia.org, 25. July 2009.