As a small act of resistance against an EU conference on border control and the "European Day of the Border Guard" a counter- conference and protest at the location of the EU conference will take place in Warshaw.
Anlässlich einer EU Konferenz und des "Tages des Grenzschutzes" in Warschau, beide von Frontex organisiert, werden am 22. Mai 2010 die EU-Grenz- schutzagentur, ihre Technologien, Überwachung und Steuerung thematisiert.
On May 24, 2010, corporations and EU bureaucrats will attend a conference and exhibition on "Surveillance Technology for Border Control" hosted by the EU migrant-hunting agency, Frontex. May 25, the "European Day of the Border Guard" and the 5th anniversary of Frontex, a conference to be attended by key European decision-makers entitled "The Future of Border Management in Europe including the Role of Frontex" will also take place. A small act of resistance - a counter-conference and protest at the location of the conference.
The state and capital has long sought to divide and conquer. The accidental placement of people within national borders often determines, like class, if they are born into relative prosperity of poverty. Workers have moved around the globe for ages, in search of better conditions, in search of escape from unbearable poverty. But these victims of poverty, war, internal displacement and ecological misfortune and being hunted by the agents of border management, working to ensure that the world's supply of cheap labour be kept in place, working to pander to racists and xenophobes, to protect Fortress Europe from people that the policies and practices of European states and capital often displace. Working people are pounded with propaganda to convince them that this is necessary and in their interests when, in fact, they are paying for this cruel and deadly regime.
As the surveillance and policing technologies are increasing, the same technologies used to control migrants at borders are used against protestors and other dissenters to exert more social control.
Our desire for freedom is a flame more intense than their plan for control!
Conference: Frontex: Technology, Surveillance and Policing
Saturday May 22, 2010
at Plan B - al. Wyzwolenie 18
Start 14:00
14:00 Presentation: What is Frontex? Immigrant hunting, the technology of border control and activities of Frontex. Laure Akai, Marc Duff and panel of guests from anti-border groups.
15:00 Border Management Systems in the EU - the Role of Corporations.
Laure Akai, Jakub Zaczek
16:00 The Technology of Surveillance and Control in the Framework of EU Border Protection
Katarzyna Szymielewicz (Panoptykon)
20:00 onwards (at Nowy Swiat 11) - About the international campaign against Frontex
Past actions, discussion with participants
ZSP Warsaw, Panoptykon Foundation
Source :: zspwawa.blogspot.com