Yaya used to be an activist of the Gambian opposition movement against president Yahaya Jammeh.
The former army officer first seized power in a military coup in 1994 and was re-elected last year in a widely criticized election. After an arson attack in 2004 Yaya fled the country and applied for asylum in Austria.
The Austrian asylum court, however, rejected Yaya's appeal, cynically claiming that he could easily move back to Gambia together with his 2.5 year old daughter and her mother.
As he is due to be deported to Gambia, a manifestation was hold on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 5pm in front of the Police Detention Center PAZ in Vienna (8, Hernalser Gürtel 6-12). After a ralley walked to the new :: deportation centre in Nussdorfer Straße 23. Some 230 people participated, few passers-by joined the protest spontaneously. It was a loud and powerfull demonstration.
Stopp deportation! Protests to be continued
On Thuesday, 29. May 2012, 8 am, Yaya is called upon to come to the Police Holding Centre (PAZ) Hernalser Gürtel 6-12 in Vienna. Everyone who has time is called to come to support Yaya and to prevent his possible arrestation.
A next meeting to support Yaya was announced for Tuesday, 29th of May 2012 in Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, Vienna.
:: Support the campaign for Yaya's right to stay and sign :: this petition!
Source :: dubsquare.net, 24. May 2012 and :: facebook.com/Yayasollbleiben, updated by no-racism.net.