The Boats4People tour will take place from 1st to 19th of July 2012 between Italy and Tunisia in the Mediterranean Sea. Timetable, route and background information are provided by the projects :: :: Newsletter No. 2 (pdf).
It is only two weeks from now that the Boats4People tour in the Mediterranean will start. We have a sailing boat, the Oloferne, that will be sailing the whole trip, accompanied by some smaller boats. If you are interested to join at any of the 5 stations, please contact us and let us know. You can also find some ideas below on how to support the project with local activities in the place where you live.
the (provisional) programme
(check our agenda for the latest updates)
Cecina/Rosignano (Italy) - July 1 & 2
Initiatives planned in the framework of the annual anti-racist conference organized by ARCI in Cecina.
July 1 morning: Workshop on 'Migration and sea'. Items are the law of the sea, immigration law, emergency proce-dures at sea, etc. This is a first initiative to address a long-term goal of B4P:
build a 'warning' network of sailors aware of the situation of migrants at sea
July 1 afternoon: Workshop on the complaint filed in France as part
of the wreck that took place in the Mediterranean Sea in March 2011,
called the 'Guardian case' or the 'left-to-die boat'. The theme is that of solidarity, duty relief (Law of the Sea), violations of the obligation of aid and of the impunity of states.
July 2 (morning):
Press conference.
Ship’s departure port Boats 4 People Rosignano (near Cecina).
Action on the beach in Cecina in commemoration of the migrants that
died at sea.
at sea July 2 to 5
palermo / trapani (Italy) – July 5, 6 & 7
July 5: Arrival of the boat in Palermo.
At 5 p.m. (at Santa Chiara) a transnational information event will be held on 'The criminalization of migrants and sea rescue VS crime of immigration controls'. Migrants and refugees will talk about their experiences in the camp Choucha and on the route to Europe, lawyers will report about the criminalisation of rescuers, activists
will speak about campaigns against Frontex. The event will include film-presentations and exhibitions.
July 6:
Press conference.
Visit to the Detention-Camp Trapani Milo and / or Serraino Vulpitta.
Palermo-night action from the port: Commemoration for the migrants who died at sea.
at sea July 7 to 12
July 7: Departure of the boat Oloferne to Tunisia to reach Monastir on July 12.
tunisia 7 to 16
July 7: Simultaneous transfer of the transnational travellinggroup by commercial ferry to Tunis.
July 8 - 11 in Tunis: meetings with local activists, information and discussion events, film-screenings.
Delegation to Choucha to prepare the participation and presentation of transit-refugees and migrants in Monastir. (date not confirmed yet)
Monastir (tunisia) - July 12 to 16
Key initiatives planned under international preparatory meetings of the World Social Forum 2013 (Tunisia).
July 12: an artistic event.
July 13: Arrival of the vessel Boats 4 People with Tunisian fishing boats in Monastir.
Conference on 'Border closures and the impact on land and at sea on both sides of the Mediter-ranean'.
Exchange experiences on harragas, missing migrants and migrants detention.
Action on the beach: 800 lanterns launched in commemoration of the
migrants that died at sea.
at sea July 16 & 17
lampedusa - July 18, 19 & 20
Key initiatives in collaboration with the LampedusaInFestival
July 19:
Press conference, presentation and installation of the artistic works dona-ted by Tunisian artists to the Museum of migration of Lampedusa.
Commemoration of the migrants that died at the Mediterranean sea. Action in port with 1500 flowers thrown into the sea.
LampedusaInFestival opening (Gate of Europe) with a concert.
Screening of 'Mare Chiuso' ('Closed Sea') and then debate on 'The right to protection. What future for international protection in Italy'.
What you can do from abroad
If you cannot participate in the tour but you want to support the project, we still need a lot of support:
Financial support: if you have an idea to raise money or to collect donations, please do so! Our budget still lacks about 10000 Euro and it would help a lot if all interested people help with crowd-funding. Contact us if you need any information at: support (at) boats4people.org
Local actions: in some cities as in France (Paris), Italy (Rome), Austria (Vienna), Germany (Berlin and Hamburg) and the Netherlands, local groups plan to organise solidarity-actions with Boats4People. These events are planned for July 7 and 13. You can join these activities (contacts below). Or perhaps you want to organize a solidarity event in your city? Let us know about your action at: support (at) boats4people.org
Spread the news: During the tour we will publish news and reports. It would be great and very helpful if you help to spread the information. Contact us if you need any information at: support (at) boats4people.org