
From 5th to 7th October 2012 their will be discussions on the EU migration policy in Serbia and the possibilities of resistance at the Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival. Come to ZAF! Get involved in the resistance against the border system in Serbia!


A blockade of Colnbrook and Harmonds- worth detention centres on 19 September 2012 held up the UK Border Agency's planned deportation of Tamil refugees back to the killing fields of Sri Lanka. With one person D-locked under a deportation coach, the blockade held for 3 1/2 hours, long enough for the deporters to miss their flight slot and for 35 people to get off with legal injunctions.

thema grenzregime grossbritannien


Here follows a critique of the No Border Camp in Cologne and Düsseldorf - written one day before the end of the camp.

thema grenzregime deutschland


The Boats4People tour will take place from 1st to 19th of July 2012 between Italy and Tunisia in the Mediterranean Sea. Timetable, route and background information are provided by the projects :: :: Newsletter No. 2 (pdf).

thema fluchtweg mittelmeer


Vom 13. bis 22. Juli 2012 findet ein No Border Camp in Köln statt, das durch ein offenes Netzwerk antirassistisch bewegter Gruppen und Aktivist_innen organisiert wird.

thema grenzregime deutschland


From 17. - 24. June 2012 Stockholm will see a transna- tionales No Border Camp. Background and practical information. For a world without borders, control and papers!


Vom 17.- 24. Juni 2012 findet in Stockhol, Schweden, ein transna- tionales No Border Camp statt. Wissenswertes und Praktisches. Für eine Welt ohne Grenzen, Kontrollen und Ausweise!


The Boats4People tour will take place from 1st to 19th of July 2012 between Italy and Tunisia in the Mediterranean Sea. Timetable, route and background information are provided by the projects :: Newsletter No. 1 (pdf).

thema fluchtweg mittelmeer


Laut einem Pro­to­koll der EU-Rats­ar­beits­grup­pe "Ter­ro­ris­mus" or­ga­ni­siert die eu­ro­päi­sche Po­li­zeia­gen­tur EU­ROPOL am 24./25. April 2012 in Den Haag eine Kon­fe­renz zu An­ar­chis­mus.


According to a protocol of the EU Council working group on "Terrorism", the European police agency EUROPOL is organising a conference on anarchism on the 24th and 25th of April 2012 in The Hague.


Throughout May and June of this year, Warsaw is to become the exhibition center of European apartheid. During these months, as Euro 2012 fans take in the international atmosphere of the tournament in beer parks specially set up for them around the city, Frontex will celebrate its 7th anniversary.

thema europaeische politik zu migration und unsicherheit


"Sex, Work and the Olympics", "Reconstruc- ting Schengen" und "Challenging the mainstream narrative on migration": Die NoBorders Convergence in London thematisierte dies und vieles weitere. Eine spannende Woche voll Austausch, leider aber weniger fokussiert auf Aktion als geplant. Im Sommer zwei weitere Camps.

thema grenzregime grossbritannien


On 8 February 2012 the Belgian State holds its first political trials of those accused of "crimes" during the 2010 Brussels No Border Camp.

thema grenzregime belgien


Die Londoner No Borders organisieren zusammen mit Studierenden vom Goldsmith College und anderen Gruppen ein einwöchiges Zusammenkommen [convergence], das in London 13. bis 18.02.2012 stattfinden wird.

thema grenzregime grossbritannien


London NoBorders, along with Goldsmiths students and other groups, are organising a week-long convergence to be held in London between 13 - 18 February 2012.

thema grenzregime grossbritannien


We invite you to the transnational No Border Camp in Stockholm summer 2012: a week of civil disobedience, discussions, film screenings and direct action against the European migration policy.

thema europaeische politik zu migration und unsicherheit


Wir laden alle zu einem transnationalen No Border Camp in Stockholm im Sommer 2012 ein: eine Woche, die von zivilem Ungehorsam, Diskussionen, Filmvorführungen und direkten Aktionen gegen die europäische Migrationspolitik geprägt sein soll.

thema europaeische politik zu migration und unsicherheit