On Saturday, 24th of November 2012 refugees will will march from Traiskirchen to Vienna. Like in many other countries in Europe they demand their rights.
"We need our rights!"
Protests from refugees, asylum seekers and supporters continue.
On saturday, 10th of November 2012, a demonstration in solidarity with refugee protests in Vienna and elsewhere took place. Refugees, migrants, asylumseekers and supporters protested against the racist asylum policy of Europe in general and Austria in particular. The situation hasn't changed since.
The Ministry of the Interior and federal states are arguing about the accomondation of asylum seekers at the expense of the refugees - whose needs are not even being mentioned in this conflict. The only options state-run institutions provide refugees from Traiskirchen with are inhumane pseudo solutions, like placing them in container-camps or the forced transfer to remote areas.
The protests continue!
[b]24th of November 2012
Protestmarch from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen to Vienna
Demonstration in Vienna[/hb]
Besides the refugees from Traiskirchen, also the Somali activists are planning to participate in the march from Traiskirchen to Vienna and to mobilise strongly in Vienna and also in other cities of Austria.
More detailed information follows!
Support for material and also for finances (among others for transportation from other cities to Vienna) is urgently needed!