On Tuesday, 27th of August 2013 the next demonstration in solidarity with the Refugee Protest Camp Vienna will take place.
Meeting: 5 p.m., in front of detention centre Rossauer Länder 9 (U4 Rossauer Lände), 1090 Vienna.
Flyer as pdf: english | deutsch | français | urdu | arabisch | bosnisch kroatisch serbisch
Call for the protest from Refugee Protest Camp Vienna
For over seven months, the self organized Refugee Protest Camp Vienna has been fighting for human rights of refugees in Austria. We are raising our voices against the inhuman asylum laws - against imprisonment, against the inadequate living conditions in asylum camps, and against all deportations - for freedom of movement.
Until now, no political solution regarding our demands has been offered by the Austrian authorities. Eight members of our movement have been deported two weeks ago, 12 other refugee activists are immediately threatened with deportation. Beside this, many more people outside of the protest movement are deported by the Austrian authorities every day.
Our struggle is now at the crucial moment. The Austrian authorities are trying to criminalise our movement. With this move, they try to silence all voices critical of the Austrian asylum politics.
Our struggle continues and it needs more support than ever!
Join the refugee demonstration on Tuesday 27th of August at 17.00
Starting point : Schubhaft deportation prison PAZ Rossauer Lände, Rossauer Lände 9 (U4 Rossauer Lände)
Route: PAZ Rossauer Lände (Meeting at 17:00, starts at 18:00/30) - Berggasse - Hahngasse - Seegasse - Porzellangasse - Alserbachstraße - Nußdorferstraße - Spitalgasse - Alserstraße - Blindengasse - PAZ Hernalser Gürtel (main entrance)
More Information:
:: refugeecampvienna.noblogs.org
:: no-racism.net/thema/130
:: Facebook RefugeeCampVienna