On Sunday, September 6th 2015, there will be a convoy from Vienna to Budapest and back to break down fortress Europe. Meeting point: on the parking lot of Prater-/Ernst Happel Stadium, 10:30 am, departure punctually at 11 am. See the updates, situation is changing quickly in the moment.
update 05.09.2015, 5 pm
meeting point tomorrow 10.30 praterstadium, meiereistrasse
11:00 statingtime to the hungarian border
12:30 crossing the border.
Human solidarity can't be fenced in!
Convoi Budapest-Vienna - Rail replacement for refugees will take off at 11am tomorrow as scheduled.
Within three days, more than 3000 people have registered to join the convoy at Praterstadion tomorrow. The organiser of this protest, Erszebeth Szabo, is excited about this response to this concerted action of political solidarity. "We will take off on time tomorrow, at 11am, as a convoy. We'll drive to the border at Nickelsdorf and gather there for a honking concert - to protest against the inhumane Dublin-regulations and to welcome the refugees."
Between 12 and 12.30pm new cars can join our convoi there.
At 12.30pm the convoi will cross the border to Hungary and travel along the M1 highway until it encounters people headed for Vienna. "We'll pick the refugees up and take them to Vienna in safety. We're not afraid of being prosecuted, since clearly the political situation has changed overnight", Szabo is sure. The convoy is well prepared, participants will get local legal advice and a legal advice helpline will also be available to all travellers. Erszebeth Szabo: "Human solidarity can't be fenced in - we kindly ask the Hungarian and Austrian authorities to let us go ahead and provide help." Adressing drivers, she advises "Fill your trunks with warm clothes, shoes, foodstuffs, suitcases and bags to give to refugees.".
update 05.09.2015, 1 pm
we decided right now! the convoy starts tomorrow at 11 just , praterstadion. please check your cars, take warm clothes and food! we go to the border. details in some minutes!
update 05.09.2015, 00:00 am
Dear everyone,
how exciting is this! 45 hours after we posted our invitation to "konvoi vienna-budapest schienenersatzverkehr for refugees" online, there is now the possibility that the Hungarian government fulfilled our demands. We stay alert and prepare for two scenarios:
1) If the refugees come to the border on Saturday, we start our action early and drive individually to the arrival points of the buses to welcome the refugees together and help them continue their journes to their planned destinations.
2) If they are not here on Sunday, we drive together in a convoy to the border crossing Nickelsdorf, give a honking concert against existing borders, that only apply to some but not to others. We then drive together to the place where the "March of Hope" is located and support the refugees on their way to Austria.
Be ready! Thanks to everybody who is participating in supporting people to get across the border. Please share so as many people as possible know about it!
Call for the :: Convoy Budapest Vienna - Rail replacement Operation for Refugees
The Hungarian government denied refugees access to safe travels by train, even if they have had valid tickets. The Austrian government and the EU stand by idly and watch as people on the streets of Budapest - without any appropriate supplies - have to endure appaling conditions. That's why we intervene and start a convoy of buses and cars to bring the refugees to safety.
The first convoy will start on Sunday at 11:00am from the car park of Praterstadium in Vienna in order to bring as many refugees as possible from Budapest to Vienna, to provide them with food and basic medical supplies and to enable them to continue their journey to their destination.
The call is adressed to people and initiatives that have been willing to do the same during the past weeks. Also the call aimes to reach NGO's, bus operators, taxi companies, and trade unions, etc. to support the convoy and go along with it to provide a safe journey to Vienna.
We call upon the Austrian government to obtain the re-opening of the railway station in Hungary, so that refugees can travel safely with the solidarian Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). Our relief operation is the only effective way to prevent more deaths in trucks at the moment.
We urgently ask the political leaders not to impede the process of this action which seems to be the only right thing to do at the moment: to spare no effort to save lives!
[b[Sunday, September 6th, 2015
10:30 meeting, 11:00 departure (on time!)
At the car park of the Praterstadium in Vienna
More information will follow! :: here
Twitter: #refugeeconvoy