On the 21st of July 2016, about 200 comrades from the No Border Camp Thessaloniki decided to mark the IOM-office. IOM, the "International Organization for Migration" is one of the dirty players, that among other things assists in the execution of so called "voluntary returns" or in other words deportations.
Within minutes the determined group threw the info-material of the office outside and tagged the whole building with slogans showing everyone what kind of organization resides there. Also a statement was read and leaflets were distributed along the way back to the No Border Camp.
This was one of the many actions that happened over the course of the last few days. Among them were direct actions, adbusting and demonstrations in Thessaloniki as well as in the surrounding areas near the so called "relocation centers", which in fact are prisons.
Shut down IOM - For the benefit of all!
The International Organisation of Migration (IOM) as the second largest intergovernmental agency worldwide is one of the big global players in migration management.
"Managing migration for the Benefit of All" is the IOM's guiding theme.
But who does in fact take the profits?
One of the major tasks of the IOM is to assist the global migration regime in socalled "voluntary returns".
In February 2016 for example IOM organized the deportations of 135 Aghans to Kabul. For receiving 700 Euro each, these migrants were forced to sign their "voluntary return" to Afghanistan - the offered "alternatives" are deportations by force or imprisonment. Also the payment of social benefits often depends on the migrant's participation in IOM Consulting services about options of return.
IOM exclusively serves the interest of its member state governments and their anti-immigrants-policies. The claim, migration needs to be managed and controlled, is the base for dividing migrants in exploitable and valueless - in legitimes ones and those with false claim.
Migration management has many faces; Fighting irregular migration and developing border control are just some, IOM and Frontex are their servants. As migration controls and borders perpetuate the capitalist system and its massive and racist inequalities.
Abolish all borders! For a global freedom of movement!
Shut down IOM - for the Benefit of All!