On Thursday, 13. September 2018, a protest against the EU Refugee Conference in Vienna will take place. Meeting point: 6 pm, Praterstern, 1020 Vienna.
March across the Reichsbrücke to the Austria Center Vienna, Venue of the EU-Refugee conference.
ÖVP and FPÖ are escalating racist foreclosure policy during the eu presidency. Salvini, Seehofer, Kurz and Kickl are building the “axis of inhumanity” in Europe. Since Kickls collegue Salvini is stopping rescue vessels from starting in Italy, the death rate in the Mediterranean Sea is eight times higher in June 2018 than in June 2015! A minimum of 629 people drowned solely in June. This is happening, although the numbers of transits dropped. Many can’t even reach the sea.
The EU-governments copied the positions of US president Donald Trump and are moving even further to the right. NGOs and Refugee helpers are being criminalized. Minister of Interior Kickl (FPÖ) wants to prohibit asylum applications for Europe in concentration camps in Africa. In the meantime he is deporting families, and well integrated young people are prohibited from starting an apprenticeship.
At the EU-Refugee conference on the 13th of September in the Austrian Center in Vienna, they want concretize their plans for mass storages for refugees and spending even more money for Frontex and military interventions in Africa. This would mean more border controls, more EU soldiers on African ground, the building of “Anchor Centers” and “landing platforms” outside of the “Forest Europe”. This is planned especially in Libya. A country, where refugees are faced with rape, sexual violence, and human trafficking. Torture, and organ trade are also happening there on a daily basis. This is where Europe wants to deport refugees, which will compound the dramatic situation.
We are no longer watching the mass murder in the Mediterranean Sea! The platform for a humane asylum policy are inviting everyone on Thursday, the 13th of September at 6:00 pm. to Praterstern (U1/U2) to a protest against this EU-Refugee conference in Vienna.
Together we defend democracy and human rights! Escape is not a crime! Aiding an escape is not a crime! Refugees welcome!