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  1. A Seed Europe

    A network that initiates actions and campaigns on environmental and social justice issues. Our current campaigns are centred on issues surrounding the production, distribution and consumption of food (small, local organic farms instead of agribusiness, biotechnology and supermarkets selling genetically modified food); and the coordination of the World Bank Boycott in Europe.

  2. Bretton Woods Project

    The Bretton Woods Project works to monitor and reform the World Bank and IMF. It tracks key policy statements and reports, and provides critiques and early warnings used by non-governmental organisations across the world. The Bretton Woods Project was set up in 1995 to facilitate the work of UK non-government organisations (NGOs) concerned about the social and environmental impacts of World Bank and IMF financing in developing countries. The Project circulates information to NGOs in the UK and across the world, identifies lobbying or campaigning opportunities, organises meetings with officials and prepares briefings on important issues. The Project"s quarterly newsletter, the Bretton Woods Update, summarises key World Bank, IMF and NGO activities and lists available documents and important dates. (en)

  3. CEE Bankwatch Network

    The CEE Bankwatch Network is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with member organisations currently from 12 countries of CEE and CIS region. The basic aim of the network is to monitor activities of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the region, and to propose constructive alternatives to their policies and projects in the region. The mission is to prevent environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote alternative solutions and public participation.


    Gruppe aus Weiz/Steiermark die sich mit Chiapas und dem zapatistischen Aufstand in den Bergen von Mexico beschaeftigt.

  5. Clean Clothes Campaign - Österreich

    Kampagne für faire Arbeitsbedingungen weltweit. (de)

  6. Clean Clothes Campaign - Europe

    Informationen u.a. zu Adidas, Benetton, C&A, Disney, GAP, H&M, Levi Strauss, Nike, Otto. (en/ned)

  7. (broken link) is an action resource where you can make a world of difference in a minimal amount of time.

  8. Friends of River Narmada

    The construction of large dams on the River Narmada in central India and its impact on millions of people living in the river valley has become one of the most important social issues in contemporary India. Through this website, we the friends of the Narmada valley and its people hope to present the perspective of grassroots people"s organisations on the issue.

  9. Gipfelsoli - Summit Protests Archive

    exists since the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001 - documentation of debates and developements on summit protests - Dokumentation von Debatten und Entwicklungen zu Gipfelprotesten (de/en)

  10. Gipfelsturm (broken link)

    Unabhängige Gruppe aus Berlin, deren Arbeitsschwerpunkte bisher die Mobilisierung antikapitalistischer Kräfte zu den elitären Treffen der Organisatoren der weltweiten Ausbeutung, sowie Soliarbeit waren. Weiterhin versuchen wir, die bisherige Entwicklung der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung zu analysieren, gesellschaftliche Utopien zu diskutieren und über Perspektiven - auch auf lokaler Ebene - nachzudenken.

  11. Grond Up (broken link)

    The Groundup Website is the genetics section of the ASEED Europe website. Ground Up is meant as an information tool for anti-Genetic engineering (GE) activists. GE in agriculture continues to threaten us and our environment, and it is vital that people have access to information and resources in order to be empowered to act. This website aims to a resource centre on genetic engineering, and on the campaigns on and against these technologies around the world. (en)

  12. Indymedia - Unabhängiges Medienzentrum

    Indymedia ist ein Kollektiv von unabhängigen Medienorganisationen und hunderten von JournalistInnen, die nichthierarchische, nicht konzerngebundene Berichterstattung leisten. Indymedia ist eine demokratische Medienplattform für die Verbreitung einer radikalen , sorgfältigen, und leidenschaftlicher Sicht der Realität. (multilingual)

  13. International Rivers Network

    IRN supports local communities working to protect their rivers and watersheds. We work to halt destructive river development projects, and to encourage equitable and sustainable methods of meeting needs for water, energy and flood management.

  14. Isole nella Rete

    This is an autonomus zone! A place that offers visibility, relations and a chance of rejoice to those who have been fragmented and dispersed by the deep changes occurred in our society - those who are not aligned with the "unique thought", not yet resigned to marginality - those who still can wish to build a REAL movement able to change the current "state of things". (it/en)

  15. Maquilla Solidarity Network

    Maquila is the short form of the word maquiladora. It was originally associated with the process of milling. In Mexico it became the word for another kind of processing -- the assembly of imported component parts for reexport. The maquilas in Mexico began as a border phenomenon over 30 years ago. With the support of the Mexican government, US firms set up assembly plants on the Mexican side of the border. They were allowed to import components and raw materials duty-free and reexport the finished product to the US. Now maquilas are in many parts of Mexico and Central America. The lure of the maquilas is low wages, a lack of environmental or labour regulations, low taxes, and few if any duties. Products produced include apparel, electronic goods, autoparts, etc. - Incl. kommentierter linkliste. (en/ca)

  16. PGA - People's Global Action

    PGA ist ein globales Netzwerk lokaler Kämpfe, ein weltweites Netzwerk, das auf eine dauerhafte politische, soziale, grenzenlose und basis-demokratische Alternative zum Kapitalismus hinarbeitet. Gegen alle unterdrückerischen Systeme, weit weg von der Logik von Parteien, Staaten, staatlich-orientierten Gewerkschaften, NGOs usw. Es ist ein Ort wo sich anti-autoritäre und anti-kapitalistische Initiativen treffen. PGA ist Werkzeug zur Koordination, keine Organisation.
    :: Action archive against globalisation and capitalism 1998 - 2008

  17. poonal

    Pool de Nuevas Agencias de Am"©rica Latina (poonal) ist ein wöchentlicher Pressedienst Lateinamerikanischer Agenturen, der jeden Freitag aktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergrundberichte aus Lateinamerika auf deutsch publiziert. Die Informationen stammen von den derzeit 13 alternative Presseagenturen in fast allen ländern Lateinamerikas. Der Pressedienst richtet sich an Menschen sowie Institutionen, die regelmäßig über die politische und soziale Lage des Subkontinents auf dem laufenden sein wollen. (de/ca)

  18. (US)

    Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media.

  19. Rising Tide (broken link)

    Rising Tide is an international network of groups and individuals committed to a grassroots approach to fighting for climate justice. We believe that the Kyoto protocol will fail to combat the climate change crisis. Instead, the protocol promotes the self-interest of industrialised nations and corporations, marginalising issues of global equity and the environment.

  20. (broken link)

    Risingtide versteht sich als eine dezentral organisierte außerparlamentarische und kapitalismuskritische Gruppe. Unser Ziel ist es, ein breit gefächertes Netzwerk aufzubauen, um in der Öffentlichkeit ein kritisches Bewusstsein zur Problematik des globalen Klimawandels zu schaffen. Wir begleiten kritisch die UN-Klimaverhandlungen und versuchen diesbezüglich die im Kyoto-Vertrag enthaltenen sozialen Ungleichheiten (Rassismus, Neokolonialismus, Neoliberalismus) herauszuarbeiten. Unsere Forderungen leiten sich von wissenschaftlichen Analysen des IPCC zum globalen Klimawandel ab.

  21. Sweatshop Watch (broken link)

    Sweatshop Watch is a coalition of labor, community, civil rights, immigrant rights, women"s, religious & student organizations, and individuals committed to eliminating sweatshop conditions in the global garment industry. We believe that workers should be earning a living wage in a safe and decent working environment, and that those who benefit the most from the exploitation of sweatshop workers must be held accountable. (en)

  22. The Restless Margins

    we are everywhere - the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism - archive of moments of resistance and rebellion 1994 - 1998
    :: timeline 1994 - 2003 (pdf, 31 pages)

  23. Women Working Worldwide

    Women Working Worldwide is a small UK voluntary organisation working with a global network of women worker organisations. It was started in 1983 when a group of researchers and activists came together to organise a conference on women and the international division of labour. (en)