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  1. Archiv auf - Stopp Plan Colombia

    Von Mitte Jänner bis April 2001 tourten VertreterInnen vom Prozess der Schwarzen Gemeinschaften (PCN) durch Europa. Sie informierten über die lange Geschichte von Krieg und Unterdrückung in Kolumbien und die verheerenden Auswirkungen des "Plan Columbia". Dabei suchen sie Kontakte und Austausch von Erfahrungen, um Gegenstrategien zum Wirtschaftsimperialismus, der ethnischen Ausgrenzung und der Militärischen Repression zu entwickeln. Von 24. Februar bis 6. März waren sie in verschiedenen Städten Österreichs.

  2. Beyond Oil Campaign

    "The Beyond Oil Campaign works to move society out of our devastating dependence on fossil fuels and into renewable energy options as a necessary step in saving the world"s last rainforests. The expanse of oil and gas projects in rainforest areas opens up million of new acres each year to roads, colonization and pollution. (...) Currently, the Beyond Oil Campaign is focusing primarily on Occidental Petroleum"s project on the ancestral land of the U"wa people, an indigenous people of 5,000 in the cloudforests of eastern Colombia." (en)

  3. Center for International Policy - Colombia Program

    Promoting a U.S. foreign policy based on peace, international cooperation, demilitarization and respect for basic human rights. - "Colombia"s conflict and human rights crisis are worsening, and U.S. military and police aid are increasing. As the United States deepens its involvement in Colombia, this website offers a central source of information and analysis." (en)

  4. Colombia Report (broken link)

    Colombia Report is a web-based magazine that provides history and analysis of the Colombian civil war, the drug war and the escalating U.S. involvement in the conflict. (en) (mit latest news Argenturmeldungen).

  5. Derechos Humanos

    Human Rights Site with lot of Informations about Plan Colombia and links to official. (en/ca)

  6. Ecopetrol

    Site to Oil-Companys in Colombia - COLOMBIAN PETROLEUM COMPANY - information certified by Corporate Communications Direction of ECOPETROL`s Presidency. This server is administered by the Corporate M.I.S. and was started by the Telecommunications Group in October of 1995. (en/ca)

  7. Human Rights Watch Report COLOMBIA

    The Ties That Bind: Colombia and Military-Paramilitary Links, February 2000: "detailed, abundant, and compelling evidence of continuing close ties between the Colombian Army and paramilitary groups responsible for gross human rights violations." (en)

  8. IMC Colombia (broken link)

    Centro de Medios Independientes de Colombia

  9. Kolumbien Aktuell

    Unabhängige Informationen zu Kolumbien der Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz-Kolumbien. Alle zwei Wochen "Kolumbien aktuell" und "Kolumbien-Monatsberichten" - sehr gute übersicht über den Plan Colombia und seine Auswirkungen (de/en/ca)

  10. Plan Colombia & PCN

    Informations on the " Plan Colombia " (Contents) and its impacts on the people of Colombia and beyond, suffering below killings and displacements. Especially this site informes you about the Black Communities, organized within the PCN (Process of Black Communities [map]), which belongs together with the Indigenas and the (small) Farmers to the most affected groups. (en/ca)

  11. Platform Stop Plan Colombia (NL) (broken link)

    Het Platform is opgericht in maart 2001 om een landelijk protest te organiseren tegen het FOL-verdrag, dat de Verenigde Staten toestemming geeft de militaire bases op de Nederlandse Antillen te gebruiken. Nu de Tweede Kamer heeft ingestemd met de verlening van het verdrag, blijft het Platform zich tegen het verdrag verzetten en gaat door met het actief aandacht te vragen voor en het publiek te informeren over de ontwikkelingen rond Plan Colombia en de bijdrage van Nederland en Europa hieraan.

  12. TNI - Drugs and Democracy

    Transnational Institute Amsterdam (TNI) - Informationen zu "Europe and Plan Colombia" und vor allem zu drogenpolitischen Aspekten. "TNI is an international network of activist-scholars concerned to analyse and find viable solutions to such global problems as: militarism and conflict, poverty and marginalisation, social injustice, environmental degradation." (en/ca)