Appeal to all fundamental rights of Roma and supporters worldwide. Stop the ethnic cleansing policy of the French government!
Roma brothers and sisters, friends of all ethnic groups, all those committed to the principles of equality and discrimination in our societies, we call to join our international protest series organized simultaneously on September 6th at 11:30 a.m. (Bucharest time). The protest is initiated and supported by the Roma Civic Alliance of Romania Roma community leaders from Bihor, Botosani, Braila, Brasov, Constanta, Dolj, Hunedoara, Iasi, Ilfov, Neamt, Salaj, Timisoara counties, in response to the summit organized by the French President Nicholas Sarkozy in Paris.
This infamous summit is organized against all Roma ethnics everywhere.
This summit proposes to stigmatize the entire Roma nation!
We call to join us and protest in front of the French Embassies wherever you are.
We all will protest:
- Against the ethnic cleansing policy carried out by the French government against Romanian and Bulgarian citizens of Roma origin,
- Against collective expulsion and repressive measures and victimization of an entire ethnic group,
- Against the abolition of the presumption of innocence as regards the Roma citizens as well as against the collectively criminalization of an entire ethnic group,
- Against the illegal fingerprinting of the French authorities.
The public calls of the international human rights organizations, those of the Catholic Church, and of the NGOs remained silent in the French cabinet.
Europe-wide boycott of French products and services
We invite you all to disseminate the call for boycott of French products and services, in order to make the French rulers more aware of the fact that the fundamental rights are not subject to negotiation.
Join us!
ROMANI version
Tradav kadaja vorba savore romenge thaj manushenge kon si vash e anglune cacimata\ zakonura paj phuv
6-to septembrie... O bi-lashio Summito Francuzicko boldo vash e Rom!
Dosta si anda e politike vash etniko purifikacia e froncuzicko guvernoske
Phralale thaj phejale rom, amala andar sa etnie, savore jenenge save pakian ande egaiteta thaj bi-discriminacia ande amare socetetura, akharastumen te aven pasha amende po internacionalno protesto kerdino ande jekh vrama po 6 septembrie, ka e 11:30 ciasura/vrama. O protesto si anglunisardo thaj jutisardo katar E Civiko Alianca e Romengi andar Romania, e romane sherudne andar e komunitetura andar e Judecura : Bihor, Botosani, Braila, Brasov, Constanta, Dolj, Hunedoara, Iasi, Ilfov, Neamt, Salaj, Timisoara, sar reakcia ka o summito so kerelape katar o Nicholas Sarkozy ando Paris. Kado bi-lashio summito si kerdino vash nasul karing sa e Rom pa sa e thema, kado summito mangel te marisarel amen/stigmato te shjol, lajiav pe sa e Rom!
Mangastumen pasha amande ande kado protesto angla e Francaki Republikaki Ambasada ande tumaro them\ foro. Keras protesto :
- Anda o bi-lashimos e etniko purifikaciake politikange so anel o francezo guverno vash e rom andar bugaria thaj romania.
- Anda o bi-lashimos e buthe manushengo so si kidine thaj bishade pe zor andar e franca thaj anda kodo ke shuden o lajav pe sa e rom vi bi-doshale.
- Anda kodo ke te na maj shjolpe e dosh po rom anda kodo ke rom si vi kana si bidoshalo, thaj anda kodo ke kriminalura keren savore romen vi bidoshale.
- Anda kodo ke pa amare naja len e ampretura e themutne autoritetura.
O glaso e but-themutne\internacionalno organizaciange vash e manusheske ciacimos\zaconura, e Katoliko Khangeri, organizacie bi-guvernamentalo, ashile bi-ashunde ando francuzicko kabineto\buro.
Ande sa e europa te na maj kinas khanci so si kerdo o avel katar e francezura
Akarastumen te phenen savorenge te na maj kinen e bukia so si kerdine katar e francezura, vash kodo ke te den penge gogji e francake guvernantura ke e maj anglune/fundamentalno ciacimata\ zakonura nashti keres foro lenca/ te kinesle thaj te bikinesle.
Aven pasha amende!
Source :: acrr.ro, 28. Aug 2010