Since yesterday, 15. Sep 2015, when Hungary attempted to close its borders, by bringing army and heavy police force at the newly built fence, and the new law criminalising migrants has stepped into force, up to 5000 migrants have been stuck at the border.
The point at which most people have been stuck is the border crossing Horgos 2 - but the locations might change, or multiply.
The situation is very difficult: there is not enough food, water, clothes, medicine or shelters. People are sleeping on the bare ground, there is no place to use the toilet or maintain basic hygene. There are many people, including women and small children, and new people keep on arriving all the time. On the Hungarian side, there is the army and police, with the usual gear of police-dogs, pepper-spray etc.
The situation is very tense, but despite the difficult conditions, the atmosphere is one of resistance and protest. Some migrants have been on a dry hunger strike, refusing all food and water until the border is opened.
This is a call out to all activists, for an emergency intervention at the border - we need people to show solidarity with those stuck at the Horgos 2 border crossing. Bring along any food, water, basic medicine, warm clothes or tents, but above all, physical presence of self-organised affinity groups is needed! A sounds system and as many megaphones as possible are really needed, for communication in a big group of people.
In addition, any trusted information about the developments elsewhere (such as what is happening on the Serbian-Croatian and Croatian-Slovenian borders) is also important, as coordinated solidarity efforts on various points of the route could be crucial. If you do not have the possibility to come to Horgos, it would be great if you could get reliable information about what is happening on the Serbia-Croatia-Slovenia route, so we can share this with the people on the Horgos 2 border crossing.
In solidarity,
no border Serbia collectif
noborderserbia (at) riseup.net