As part of the Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine (1-6 June 2010), various groups around the UK and Europe have organised different events, protests and actions in their area. Here are the ones we've heard about so far.
Tuesday, 1st June
In London, two protests were held at immigration reporting centres, :: one at Communications House on Old Street from 1-2pm, and the :: other at Becket House near London Bridge from 3-4pm. The demos were organised by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and No Borders London respectively. See :: here for more details.
In Oxford, the Campaign to Close Campsfield organised a public meeting that was addressed by ex-detainees. The campaign had also organised a demonstration at Campsfield detention centre on 29th May, :: calling for its closure.
Wednesday, 2nd June
In Cardiff, No Borders South Wales did a number of banner-drops in the city centre and opposite the UKBA office and Cardiff Prison. See :: pictures here.
In London, No Borders London organised an :: open discussion about 'challenging deportations: past, present and future', which was attended by many anti-deportation campaigns and groups.
Thursday, 3rd June
Activists from Stop Deportation presented Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) with a 'Deportation Profiteer of the Year' award at its main offices in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. See :: details here, :: video here.
The National Coalition of of Anti-deportation Campaigns (NCAD) also launched an :: online campaign against CWT that morning, involving emails, phone calls and faxes.
In Lille, France, activists from No border Lille protested against deportation profiteers. They also occupied the local offices of CWT. See a :: report in French here and :: video here.
In Derby, the UK Border Agency offices were D-locked the night before and a written message left. See :: report here.
In Vienna, there was a street festival without borders, with info stalls, musicians, street theatre, games and more. Many children and youngsters from the surroundings joined the party. See :: report in German here.
Friday, 4th June
The National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns launched a one-day online campaign against British Airways for being 'a frequent flier of forced removals'. See :: here for more details.
In Brighton, G4S 'voluntarily' withdrew from the Brighton & Hove City Future Job Fair after various campaign groups issued an official complaint to the job fair sponsors about G4S's horrendous human rights abuses against migrants. See :: here for details.
In Copenhagen, a mass demonstration against deportation and the EU border agency Frontex took place. Info in danish :: here and :: youtube video.
In Vienna, a small anti-racist demonstration was held. See :: report in German here.
In Jena, Germany, the :: Karawana Festival 2010 'against colonial injustice and to commemorate the death of the Fortress Europe' started. Lot's of discussions, workshops, exhibitions, demonstrations and more against the deportation system took place. See links to :: Photos and Videos.
Saturday, 5th June
In London, a small demo was held in Parliament Sq demo, next to the :: Democracy Village. See :: report and pictures here. At the same time, the SOAS Detainee Support Group organised a :: march and carnival against the detention of children. In the evening, the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees organised a social evening in solidarity with Iraqi and Kurdish detainees facing deportation.
In Oxford, the Campaign to Close Campsfield held a street stall in the city centre.
Sunday, 6th June
In Paris, a number of protesters distributed pamphlets and put up posters and stencils denouncing the participation of the Red Cross in the imprisonment of undocumented migrants in detention centres across Europe and their role in deporting people through the provision of 'humanitarian support' on Frontex charter flights and other European joint flights. Four people were arrested. See :: a report in French here.