The refugees who are protesting in the Refugee Portest Camp in Graz, Stadtpark are organizing a demonstration on Saturday, 17th of October 2015 at 3pm. Read their call for support and help them to spread this information.
Coming Saturday, we refugees will demonstrate to pay attention to our situation. We wait since months, some of us for more then a year for an answer in our asylum procedure. Our families are still have to live in war zones can die every minute. Only with a positive answer for asylum we can bring our families, so that they can to seek shelter in a safe place.
Following point are important for us:
- We want that somebody explains to us why we are in this situation for such a long time and how long we have to wait until something will change.
- We need a fair procedure to get a decision (Bescheid). It should be possible to treat refugees equal. Some people (from the same country) get a decision (Bescheid) after a couple of months and while others have to wait at 10 months and more without a new appointment with the authorities.
- We have no appointment for the second interview right now and we need to get a given date for the next interview.
- We want to have an appointment for the second interview as fast as possible after the first interview!
- We are save but our families are not. A lot of refugees still have their families in extremely dangerous situations (civil war). Therefore we want our families to come to Europe as well.
- We want to get work to become an active part of the society and to show our gratefulness to the people who live in Austria.
- We want to start a new life in Austria with our family members on our site and with our own work to take care about of families.