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Osamuyia Aikpitanhi

(en) Osamuyia Aikpitanhi, a 23 year Nigerian, on June 9, 2007, was killed by spanish police officers during a forced deportation. They handcuffed him, chained his legs, gagged him with his mouth completely closed with industrial strength rubber or duck-tape and put a twine-bag or sack, over his head, once out of public view, they pummeled him, until he suffocated, or choked and asphyxiated.

(de) Osamuyia Aikpitanhi wurde im Alter von 23 Jahren von spanischen Polizisten in Zuge einer gewaltsamen Deportation umgebracht. Er wurde geschlagen, an Händen und Füßen gefesselt und geknebelt - mit einem Tuch im Mund und Klebeband um seinen Kopf. Osamuyia Aikpitanhi's Widerstand gegen die Deportation wurde erstickt!

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A Nigerian citizen died on his deportation flight in June 2007: two Spanish police are accused for not preventing his death.

thema grenzregime spanien


Interview with Hon Samson Osagie, member of the official delegation sent to Spain by the Nigerian government to find out more on the death of Osamuyia Aikpitanhi in the hands of Spanish authorities.


Statement by Concerned Nigerians Worldwide on the murder of Osamuyia Aikpitani by the spanish deportatation police


Concerned Nigerians (CNW) are planning to protest the maltreatment and subsequent death of Mr. Osamuyia Aikpitanhi at 12.00 noon local time on the 29th of June 2007 at Spanish embassies in over 20 Countries worldwide.


Weltweit gab es bestürzte Reaktionen auf die von spanischen Polizisten gewalttätig durchgeführten und tödlich endende Deportation. Mittlerweile haben mehr als 3000 Leute einen Protestbrief unterschrieben der am 29. Juli 2007, 12:00 Mittags lokaler Zeit an die jeweiligen spanischen Botschaften übergeben werden soll. In manchen Städten sind Demonstrationen zur spanischen Botschaft geplant, u.a. in Lagos, Nigeria.


Letter of protest to Spanish authorities on the gagging and killing of Osamuyia Aikpitanhi.


Below we reproduce a translation of an article that appeared in El Pais (11 June 2007) on the death of Osamuyia Aikpitanhi.


Commentary on the death of Osamuyia Aikpitanhi, published first on 13 Jun 2007 in The Nigeria Village Square.

thema grenzregime spanien


Dokumentation einer Presseerklärung von Pro Asyl vom 13. Juni 2007 zum Tod von Osamuyia Aikpitanhi: Er starb geknebelt, weil auf dem Linienflug Ruhe herrschen sollte.


Dokumentation von Artikeln aus Der Standard und der taz.


On Saturday, June 9, 2007 the 23-year-old Osamuyia Aikpitanhi died during a deportation flight with an Iberia jet from Spain to Nigeria.