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noborder action 2006

Berichte von Aktionen gegen Grenzen und Grenzregime im Jahr 2006.

Reports from actions against borders and the borderregime in 2006.

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More than 900 people from 150+ organizations gathered in Ciduad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, for the first :: Border Social Forum.


The Border Social Forum on the Mexico-US Border in CD. Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico started with a march against NAFTA and Violence on the border. It will continue through the 15th of October 2006 with workshops, cultural events and a march to "tear down the wall of death."


Im Rahmen der International Refugee Human Rights Tour fanden verschiedene Aktionen statt. Im Rahmen eines Audioballetts in Landshut wurden Flucht, Rassismus und Abschiebepolitik thematisiert.


The noborder camp in Gorizia-Nova Goriza, July 2006, a step further.
Article from ::

thema grenzregime italien


During the noborder camp in Gorizia, Italy, several actions took place. After a blockade at CPT di Gradisca on 21 July, a blockade of the Postojna detention centre (Slo) on 22 July endet with police repression.

thema grenzregime italien


Bayern, 29.07 bis 05.08.2006: Flüchtlingslager abschaffen - Ausgrenzung und Isolation beenden - Bleiberecht


The Art and Activism Caravan is a border crossing project, that started early June 2006, travelling for 3 months from Greece via Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Hungary to the :: eco-activist gathering Ecotopia in Slovakia.


Von 19. bis 23. Juli 2006 findet ein noborder Camp in der italienischen Kleinstadt Gorizia, nahe der Grenze zu Slowenien, statt.

thema grenzregime italien


Call to action for and information about the No Border Camp in Gorizia, north-east Italy, from 19 to 23 of July 2006.

thema grenzregime italien


Während der 2. Europäischen Krawanne für die Freiheit der Bewegung von 23. bis 25. Juni 2006 in Barcelona fand eine Aktion gegen das in Bau befindliche Abschiebelager für MigrnatInnen in Zona Franca statt. Die Aktion wurde von gewalttätigem Vorgehen der Polizei und zahlreichen Verhaftungen begleitet. Die Verhafteten wurden 48 Stunden festgehalten und Verfahren gegen sie eingeleitet.


Barcelona, Europe, June, 2006, DECLARATION: Against European border policies, for the closure of Immigrant Detention Centers, for the freedom without charges of the Zona Franca detainees (Barcelona) of Saturday, June 24th 2006.


During the 2nd European Caravan for Freedom of Movement an action against the Migrant Detention Centre in Zona Franca, which is under construction, took place on 24 June 2006. It was followed with police violence and arrestations. The detainees where released during afternoon and evening of 26 June 2006.

thema grenzregime spanien


Der Bericht von den Aktionstagen vom 5. - 7. Juni 2006 beschreibt Möglichkeiten, einen Zaun nachhaltig flach zu legen.


The 2nd European Caravan for Freedom of movement will take place from 23-25 June 2006 in Barcelona.


From 29th of July till 5th of August 2006 Activist will travel to the refugee camps in Munich, Neuburg, Landshut and Nuremberg in Germany. They demand: Abolish refugee camps! Give up exclusion! Stop isolation!


Von 29. Juli bis 5. August 2006 touren AktivistInnen zu den Lagern in Nürnberg, München, Neuburg und Landshut. Sie protestieren gegen "Deutschland Lagerland" und fordern: Flüchtlingslager abschaffen! Ausgrenzung und Isolation beenden! Bleiberecht!


"Wir wollen nicht im Lager leben" - unter diesem Motto werden Flüchtlinge des Abschiebelagers Bramsche - Hesepe vom 5.-7. Juni 2006 zusammen mit AktivistInnen des NoLager-Netzwerks ein dreitägiges Protestcamp außerhalb des Lagerzauns errichten.

thema grenzregime deutschland


From 14th to 17th April 2006, hundreds of activists from across Australia have converged in Sydney for protests against immigration detention.

thema grenzregime australien


In solidarity with actions around the world for the Global Days of Action on refugee rights during April 2006, a small group of refugee rights activists held a two and a half day vigil outside the Detention Centre at Perth Airport.

thema grenzregime australien


With the government's :: boasting that they "have made significant progress towards our target of removing failed asylum seekers," many activists from all around the country have joined the struggle against the border regime under the banner :: No Borders.


To all organisations and individuals opposed to the detention of refugees and other migrants. You are invited to participate in a period of actions against immigration detention in countries around the world in April 2006 including the weekend of 15-16 April 2006.


Activists from across Australia will converge on Villawood Detention Centre in SW Sydney to collectively voice our opposition to the Howard government's treatment of refugees.

thema grenzregime australien