NoBorder - NoNation - Caravans 2001
No Border, No Nation, No Prison!
Last update: July 22, 2001 18.30 CET
PublixTheatre BreakingNews

sun/22/07: The Caravan is arrested with extreme brutality and for ridiculous reasons.
sat/21/07: Again hundreds of thousands people at Genoa, but also police brutality continues. Available are a list of events and heaps of additional information at Indymedia Italia.
fri/20/07: Hundreds of thousands protesters in the streets of Genoa - the police murders at least one person, many are injured. More information at Indymedia Italia.
thu/19/07: Migrants demonstration with around 20.000 protesters.
wed/18/07: Preparations for J19.
mon/16/07: The caravan moves to Genova
sun/15/07: Contro G8 day of informative action at La Spezia in cooperation with activists from La Spezia, Genova and Supervideo from Roma.
sat/14/07: Crossing the border to Italy: except one bus, all vehicles passed without major troubles.
fri/13/07: PublixTheatreCaravan at Eisenkappl, Carinthia (Austria)
tue/10/07: Demonstration in front of the detention center at Ljubljana. +++
sun/08/07: Photoshooting and Borderaction at the region of Lendava +++ <
sat/07/07: Campstream from bordercamps at Tarifa, Krinki and Lendava +++ NoBorderSounds at the Free Re:public Parade at Vienna +++
fri/06/07: Borderwalk between Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia, afterwards streetparty at Ledndava. +++ 20.00: Concerts of Vikend Panks (Ljubljana), Ruins Matador (Jesenice), Broken Lock (Crnomelj), Khons (Lendava), Balkan Babau (Trieste) +++
thu/05/07, 03.00: Arrival at the Bordercamp Lendava, Slovenia +++
mo/02/07: TheaterStreetParty at Salzburg - Children are playing with Caotics! +++
so/01/07, 15.00: The Caravan at the demonstration against the WEF-summit at the square in front of the railwaystation of Salzburg, Austria. More information on the events at Indymedia Austria +++
fr/29/06, 16.00: Streetpartyprotest with the Caravan Soundsystem at Volksgarten, Salzburg: around 150 people, soundsystem and PublixKitchen. Afterwards spontanious demonstration through Salzburg to the Infopoint +++ 13.00: Strassentheatre in the inner city of Salzburg. Report and ein Article can be found at Indymedia. +++ Repression sfrom the side of the police seems to start fully. For actual information please go to Indymedia Austria. +++
do/28/06: Opening of the Museumsquartier Vienna with the PublixTheatreCaravan participating in the project "Remote Viewing" +++ 7.30pm: Arrival at Salzburg, Austria. The journey was easy, no police blockades or anything between Vienna and Salzburg. +++
wed/27/06, 8am: Departure to Salzburg +++
tue/26/06, 4pm-10pm: Streetparty at Ballhausplatz, Vienna (Embassy of Concerned Citizens): DJs lo-ser | Tournee Idyll | Bambule +++
tue/26/06, 10am: Pressconference at Cafe Landmann, Vienna; LIVE-stream from Nickelsdorf (Hungarian-Austrian border) (Video and Pictures vom Tourstart); Speakers a.o. Johanna Dohnal (former minister for women affairs), Karl Öllinger (speaker for cultural affairs, Greens Vienna), Dr. Di Tutu Bukasa (African Community), Oliver Ressler & Martin Krenn (artists), Nora Sternfeld (activist, Get To Attack, WWP), Kurto Wendt (activist, Aktionskomitee gegenschwarzblau), Andrea Mautz und Anita Weinberger (chair of the Austrian Students Union ÖH); Moderation: Kajetan Dick +++
thu/21/06: PublixTheatreCaravan at the Thursday-demonstrations against the right-wing government in Austria, Vienna (Pictures by Ewigesarchiv) +++

(in cooperation with Indymedia Austria und
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PublixTheatreCaravan Poster
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July 12, 2001
German-French Summit, Freiburg, Germany
"Just a few days before the EU-summit at Gothenburg the German chancellor Schröder will meet with the french president Chirac in Freiburg/Bressgau. Obviously, the two nations want to demonstrate unity in order to put through their national interests in Europe. This also includes the exclusion of people, military interventions and forced labor. Their vision of a united Europe is not ours!."
The protest concentrates on the formation of the European Economic Community and their counterparts (e.g. FTAA) and increased pressure on the labour market worldwide as a result. Other points of critique are the Schengen-agreement and plans to establish an European army.
Indymedia Deutschland | Knack den Gipfel
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June 14-16, 2001
European Union (EU) - Summit, Gothenburg, Sweden
A large demo against the European Union and the upcoming Euro. Lots of focus on the racism and borders in the EU.
"We protest against the undemocratic EU and we say "No" to giving neo-liberal politics, in the form of the European Monetary Union, the dignity of constitutional law. We oppose the transformation of the public sector and our environment into nothing more than market commodities. We oppose the militarization of the EU, racism and the construction of a "Fortress Europe"."
J15 | GBG 2001 | Indymedia Sweden | Anti-Fascist Action - Sweden | Globalisering Underifran | EU Observer
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June 25-27, 2001
World Bank (WB) - Summit, Barcelona, Spain (cancelled)
On June 25th-27th the World Bank was to hold its Annual conference on Economic Development in Barcelona, and following the example of Seattle, Melbourne, Prague, and so many others, the "Campaign Against the World Bank - Barcelona 2001" was organized. However, and for the first time ever, on May 19th the WB announced the cancellation of their meeting. The mobilisation of thousands of people around the Spanish state to organize a counterconference, a massive demonstration and the siege of the WB's delegates, made them change their mind. The pressure from below has made them realize that their slogan "Our dream, a world without poverty" would have looked like nothing but a joke, as thousands of demonstrations would have been tear-gased and arrested while shouting "Our world is not for sale". The organizers think that the reasons we had to protest against the World Bank still stand, and therefore we will continue to organize around the slogan "A different world is possible - globalize resistances and solidarity". And we would like to invite you to join us for the counter-conference, the demonstations and the people's trial against the institution.
Call for action | Indymedia Barcelona | Moviment de Resistencia Global | Barcelona 2001 | Campanya BCN2001 | A las barricadas
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July 1-3, 2001
World Economic Forum (WEF) - Summit, Salzburg, Austria
"The World Economic Forum's capitalistic vision of the future is not ours; neither are the right-wing-populistic policies of the Austrian government. We call for protests and civil disobedience against capitalism, racism and any other form of discrimination, in Austria and every other place on the world."
Anti WEF | Fewor | infoladen Grauzone | Indymedia Austria
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July 2-9, 2001
Bordercamp, Tarifa, Spain
Some might associate the South of Spain with holidays rather than think of refugee-boats and physical attacks on migrants, like last year in El Ejido. That's why the Spanish organization "Ninguna persona es ilegal" calls to participate in a bordercamp next to Tarifa with the Moroccan coast in sight.
"We have chosen Tarifa because of its symbolic value: the biggest border in Europe, the Straits of Gibraltar, where more than 1.500 persons died trying to cross and where 1.000 africans are arrested by the border police every month. The program of the camp is still opened and we expect that different organizations from Europe will come; also we are making all our efforts to bring people from Africa and South America."
Ninguna Persona es Ilegal | Grenzcamp Tarifa | Indymedia Barcelona
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July 4-8, 2001
Bordercamp, Lendava, Slovenia
The problem of immigrations in Slovenia is very accentuated. The Balkan path has been released after the end of Yugoslav wars, the State is dealing with the problem in exclusively repressive and violent manner, the European Union is pressing economic-political elite to stop any migration what so ever. The fortune of immigrants is completely in the hands of the police. The state politics is to prevent any immigrant to enter the territory of Slovenia (zero tolerance at the border). So the state has accumulate huge police force at the southern and eastern border (with Croatia and Hungary). By doing this they established a police regime in the border area. The police not to have any contacts with the immigrants harass local inhabitants. In spite of such police measures local inhabitants are self-organizing and they help those who illegally cross the border. Those immigrants that are caught are imprisoned in the special detention centers, which are overcrowded and inappropriate for living. Because of that and because of police manoeuvres with them the conflicts between local inhabitants and immigrants are unavoidable. Through this and by the media interpretations of immigrants as criminals and disease carriers there is a huge wave of xenophobia in Slovenia.
Collective Globala
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July 5-12, 2001
Bordercamp, Krinki, Poland / Bialystok, Belarussia
We see this as an especially important area for a no-border camp as EU politics demand that Poland take a tighter stand on people from the East, as Belarus heads more in the direction of xenophobic nationalism and as hundreds of thousand of people find it more difficult or even impossible to cross borders to earn a living, visit friends or family or just take a simple vacation. Stop fortress Europe! Freedom of movement for everybody!
Zaden Czlowiek nie jest Nielegalny | Kein Mensch its illegal (Russia) | No Borders (Russia) | Grenzcamp Polen
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July 16-27, 2001
Climate - Summit, Bonn, Germany
At the international climate summit at Bonn from July 16 to July 27 the participating states plan to prepare the Kyoto agreement for ratification which would mean a reduction of the CO2-emission level of 1990 by 5.2% until 2008-2012. Although the agreement is only a minimal consensus that wont be enough to stop global climate change, the US and Australia already announced that for economical reasons they have decided not to ratify it, an announcement that was followed by a wave of international protest.
Rising Tide Germany | Rising Tide Netherlands | Indymedia Germany | Climate IMC
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July 20-22, 2001
G8 - Summit, Genova, Italy
Behind the "G8" label the most powerful countries of the planet (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and the United States) hide in agreement with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The policies they apply and export worldwide are subordinate to the free market dictatorship, which is creating huge economic gaps between the countries and the classes that are rich and getting richer and others that are poor and getting poorer. Therefore we request: each person is called upon to make precise choices leading to real cooperation and to the rejection of the paradigm implying huge economical and social gaps inside countries and between different countries; the uncontrolled exploiting of natural resources: imperial, colonial and patriarchal policies; the use of war as a mean of solving controversies between nations. For these reasons, we believe that, during the G8 meeting, Genoa should be transformed into the meeting-place of the human rights movements; asserting, first of all, equal rights for all men and women: beginning with the right to a dignified life, to freedom of speech, of expression, of movement, opposing the globalization of rights to the globalization of finance and trade. There will also be a bordercamp as part of the couter-summit.
Campaign Genoa 2001 | Network for Global Rights | Genoa Social Forum | About the Protest | Citymap Genoa | Rete contro G8 | Women against globalization | Indymedia Italia
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July 27 - August 5, 2001
Bordercamp, Frankfurt, Germany
The challenge for the Border Camp 2001 is to make clear that there is radical resistance to the neo-liberal racism of the modernised anti-migration policy-even in the wealthy, worldly, multi-cultural Rhein-Main region. Besides the antiracist and antifascist interactions with those outside, the internal development of the Camp plays a central role. With 500-1.000 participants each year, the Camp has come to be an important meeting point for different antiracist groups and individuals. The Camp has come to stand for the challenge and the difficulty of political co-operation. Precisely because the Camp is composed of a variety (every year new) of heterogeneous perspectives and against a background of different daily realities, we are obliged to talk about shared basics, positions and activities.
Call for Action | Kein Mensch its illegal | Indymedia Deutschland | Deportation Class
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August 24-26, 2001
Bordercamp, Tijuana, Mexico
Borderhack is a festival/campament that is part of the "kein mensch ist illegal" chain of bordercamps. The location of the camp will be in the Playas de Tijuana part of the city, in front of the actual border fence that divides the third and the first world, and also where it penetrates the ocean. The camp will offer net art, photograph exhibits, border cinema, isdn connections, conferences and workshops, not to mention the participation of the global hacktivist and net-media art community.
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deportatiNO deportation class grenzcamps eventmap carnival publixtheatre bordersounds german-french summit german-french summit eu-summit gothenburg eu-summit gothenburg wb-summit barcelona wb-summit barcelona wef-summit salzburg wef-summit salzburg g8-summit geneova g8-summit geneova bordercamp krinki bordercamp krinki klima-gipfel bonn klima-gipfel bonn grenzcamp frankfurt grenzcamp frankfurt bordercamp tarifa bordercamp tarifa bordercamp lendava bordercamp lendava