Refugees welcome! Saturday, 11th of July 2015: solidarity demo in Traiskirchen Starting point: at 2pm Traiskirchen station / Badner Bahn. Then protest march and rally at the gate of the refugee camp.
These days, we are witnessing a shocking scenario: The refugee camp in Traiskirchen - for years a place where refugees have to struggle against inhumane and discriminatory conditions - is becoming more and more a laboratory for new methods of repression and exclusion against refugees.
Hundreds of people are sleeping in the heat or in thunder storms in tents, on the floor or completely outside. Others are getting distributed over Austria and put in tent camps, while national and local governments are disputing whether tents, containers, army barracks or remote pensions in the mountains are the right places for further accomodation. Latest coup: the planned forced relocation of refugees from Austria to Slovakia. The Austrian state, represented by the ministry of interior, is making people homeless, although it would not have to be any problem to provide homes for them. If they pretend that there is no space, this is a bloody lie: There are empty buildings in every city and it would even be no problem for the state to support refugees to rent private appartments - if they were willing to do so. What the interior ministry and Austrian politicians want to achieve is something different: By creating a scenario of catastrophy, they try to justify the closure of Austria and of Europe and a brutal policy of deportation. The political parties ÖVP, FPÖ and SPÖ, without any big difference between them, are searching to gain votes in future elections by practicing racist hardliner policies against refugees. What they are doing with people in Traiskirchen and in Austrian tent camps is the direct continuation of creating more and more border fences and detention centers all over Europe and of the murderous war against refugees in the Mediterranean.
It is more than high time to rise up and to resist actively against this ugly and racist asylum policy of the interior ministry and the Austrian state! And it is high time to listen to the people in Traiskirchen, whose own voice is ignored most times, how they see their own situation, what they want, what they demand and to support their daily struggle.
Again and again, refugees in Traiskirchen resist against the daily horrible conditions and have to face repression for their struggle - like last week those who blocked the gate of the Traiskirchen refugee camp, protesting against forced transfer to Eisenstadt tent camp, and were brutally arrested by the police.
Come to Traiskirchen, let's show them a warm and solidary "Refugees welcome"!
Solidarity with the struggles of the refugees, stop repression against refugee protest!
Appartments and freedom of movement for all instead of tents, homeless conditions, lagers and forced distribution!
Stop deportation, abolish "Dublin III" and all deportation laws!