Rubrik: noborder action 2007
In einem Artikel in ak 524 kritisiert der Autor, dass die TeilnehmerInnen des no-border Camps in der Ukraine verpassten, den gesellschaftlichen Ursachen der "imperialen Degradierung Mittelosteuropas zur kapitalistischen Peripherie" auf den Grund zu gehen.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
The strange part was seeing this fence - a flimsy piece of metal, a line drawn in the dust, and believing that the barrier was anything other than imaginary.
On 18. Dec 2007 protesters from the No Borders network blockaded the bases of Immigration Enforcement Officers in simultaneous actions across the UK, stopping them from entering or leaving in vehicles.
grenzregime grossbritannien
Final report from the Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas II, San Xavier District, Tohono O'Odham Nation, November 7-10, 2007.
The Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas II took place from November 7-10, 2007 in San Xavier District, Tohono O'Odham Nation. On the last day, Indigenous Peoples called for action to bring down the wall and stop the deaths of Indigenous Peoples' walking to a better life.
Von 5. bis 11. November 2007 versammelten sich hunderte AktivistInnen im Grenzort Calexico / Mexicali (USA/Mex), um eine Welt Ohne Grenzen zu fordern. Zahlreiche Proteste und Workshops fanden statt. Bei der Abschlussaktion griff die Grenzpolizei die AktivstInnen auf US-Seite an. Es kam zu mehreren Verletzten und drei Festnahmen.
As part of the Calexico/Mexicali No Borders Camp actions happened outside the ICE detention centers in Tacoma and El Centro, and in front of the Laval Immigration Detention Center in Montreal.
Calexico/Mexicali: Border Patrol agents brutalize protestors during the No Borders Camp closing ceremony on the U.S. side.
November 9th &10th 2007 - We want to show the powers that be, that a homeland security detention center will not be tolerated in our communities and in our region. This will be in solidarity with the No Borders camp that will be happening the same week down south.
In Erinnerung an die Todesschüsse im Herbst 2005 an den Grenzen von Ceuta und Melilla findet bereits zum 3. Mal eine Karawane in die Wälder von Belyounes beim Zaun von Ceuta statt. Damit wird den Toten gedacht und gegen die andauernden Menschenrechtsverletzungen an den Grenzen protestiert. Start ist am Sonntag, 21. Okt 2007 um 10 Uhr am Place des Nations in Tanger.
grenzregime marokko
Am 06. Okt 2007 wurde in Oujda (Ost-Marokko) von VertreterInnen verschiedener Organisationen aus Marokko, Spanien, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland eine Erklärung verabschiedet, in der u.a. die Respektierung der Grundrechte von MigrantInnen, Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen gefordert wird.
grenzregime marokko
On 06. Oct 2007 exponents of several Organisations from Morocco, Espanol, France, Italy and Germany met in Oujda/Eat-Morocco during a conference on violations of human rights at borders. In a declaration they demanded basic rights for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
grenzregime marokko
Report from the Gatwick no borders camp 2007 with a feminist queer focus.
grenzregime grossbritannien
For the first time in its 11-year history, Tinsley House immigration detention centre at Gatwick Airport saw a lively, though short rally in the afternoon of September 22nd, 2007.
grenzregime grossbritannien
Call for march from Crawley town centre (Memorial Gardens, next to the railway station) to Tinsley House on September 22nd, 2007, Transnational Day Of Action against immigration prisons.
grenzregime grossbritannien
Border Peoples' Conference :: 27-29 September 2007 in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, México :: The time has come to stand up against repression and death in our communities!
It's as if all the contradictions of the U.S. War on Terror, immigration reform, U.S.-Mexico relations, free trade, and sagging economies on both sides of the border have burst at the seams, and at the same time. As the record hot summer of 2007 crawls to a close, the political barometer on the U.S.-Mexico border is tipping red. Barely a day goes by without hunger strikes, human chains, border crossing demonstrations, marches, and calls for economic boycotts.
Mit 1. Jänner 2008 verschiebt sich die offizielle Schengengrenze ein Stück weiter nach Osten. Schon jetzt wird die Abschottung der Festung Europa an diesen Grenzen sichtbar. Ein Bericht von der Anreise zum noborder Camp in der Ukraine.
:: Mit Bildergalerie
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
From 10. to 20. august 300 people from about 15 different countries ame to Uzhgorod near the Slovak-Ukrainian border. The region Transcarpatia is a really interesting place for such a camp, because here you can see the displacement of the migration policy, including "management" and closure of migration to and over the European borders.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
From 19th to 24th of September 2007 a noborder camp will take place at Gatwick Airport near London.
grenzregime grossbritannien
Von 19. - 24. September 2007 findet in der Nähe des Gatwick Airport bei London ein noborder-Camp statt. Hier ein Text zu den noborder-Aktivitäten in Großbritannien.
Vom 10. bis 20. August 2007 kamen 300 Leute aus ungefähr 15 verschiedenen Ländern in die Nähe von Uzhgorod nahe der slowakisch - ukrainischen Grenze. Die Region Transkarpatien ist ein wirklich interessanter Ort fuer ein solches Camp, da sich hier die Verlagerung der Politik der Abschirmung und des "Managments" von Migration an und über die Grenzen Europas zeigt.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
At least about 300 people from many eastern and western countries participated in the ukrainian nobordercamp near uzhgorod. Finally also a common action at the pawshino detetion center took place, simultanously a demonstration at the "migration service" in uzhgorod took place.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
Im folgenden ein kuzer Bericht zu den ersten Tagen am noborder Camp in der Ukraine, das in der Naehe der Stadt Uzhgorod stattfindet. Hier, an der Grenze zur Slowakei wird ab 1. Jaenner 2008 die Schengenaussengrenze sein.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
Where: The wall of death dividing the cities of Mexicali and Calexico, Mexico-U.S. b-order.
When: November 5-11, 2007
Von 11. bis zum 20. August 2007 findet im Westen der Ukraine, in der Regio Transkarpatien ein noborder-Camp statt. Hier der Aufruf in deutsch.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
No Borders UK calls for an international Day of Action Against Immigration Prisons on 22 September, 2007.
grenzregime grossbritannien
The camp will take place from the 11th to the 20th of August 2007 in the main region of transit and labor migration in Ukraine: Transcarpathia.
grenzregime ukraine (de/en)
The gathering will take place together with the No Border Camp from August 11 through 20, 2007 in the main region of transit and labor migration in Ukraine: Transcarpathia.
As long as the US/Mexico border has existed, people having been struggling against it. - Call for 5th to 11th November 2007.
Call for contribution to the programme of workshops and discussions during the No Border Camp in the UK near Gatwick airport, September 2007.
grenzregime grossbritannien
From 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of migration controls.
grenzregime grossbritannien
Die Shake g8 Fahrradkarawane zum g8 Gipfel hat am 16. Mai 2007 die Grenze in Schwedt passiert. Ausgefallen verkleidet haben CheerleaderInnen und TänzerInnen begleitet von einem DJ die Grenze wortwörtlich niedergetanzt!
(+ next stop: Bombodrom)
gute nacht g8 (de/en)
The caravan was traversing the entire MEXICO/US border from San Diego to Brownsville Texas and back. Stories were gathered along the border journey and shared at the final People's Immigration Hearing in San Diego as well as taken directly to Washington DC. The goal is a humane and comprehensive immigration reform.
This proposal was read at the Encuentro with the Zapatista Communities and the People of the World in Oventic on January 2nd 2007 in the plenary session for the Intergalatic Encuentro as a proposal for a theme to the Intergalactic and a Global Call to Action.
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