On Racism, Police Brutality and Discrimi- nation in Germany. From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the 18. Dezember 2010 in the FSU, Carl-Zeiss Str. 3 in Jena, Germany.
- You are all cordially invited to the above named conference in Jena.
Scheduled for discussion are:
The Racist Integrations Debates and the Hate Campaign against Refugees and Migrants in Germany
Presentation of the position paper from the Wuppertal "Karawane" with Dr. Araz Ardehali and Ralf Santa Lorenco
- The Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants in Germany - A nationwide network made up of refugees, migrants and antiracist groups.
In Memory of Oury Jalloh and the Victims and Deaths by racist Police Murder
- What we have learnt to do more is building the trust and confidence in our committments to networking for justice and political empowerment of all communities in the karawane groups from the campaign - Proposal for events on victims of police brutality will be presented for next years in each Caravan group in Germany.
Despite, and perhaps because we do not expect any justice from the new trial in the Oury Jalloh murder, the trial must also be specially observed by an independent group of legal practitioners, human rights activists and affected persons. This Observation of the process is not to be understood as a legitimization of the cover-up done by the Court but as a delegation to document the trial and its results.
We will follow both cases very critically and are still demanding truth, justice and compensation for the family of Oury Jalloh and :: Laye Alama Condé.
The cases of Oury Jalloh and Laye Alama Condé are merely two cases that did not get justice in their judicial proceedings, but they are only a part of many cases of police brutality which ended with death; :: N'deye Mareame Sarr, :: Halim Dener, :: John Achidi, :: Zdravko Nikolov Dimitrov, :: Aamir Ageeb, :: Arumugasamy Subramaniam, :: Dominique Koumadio and many others are victims of the German police and its racist impunity. Majority of these other cases were not even brought to the Court.
Almost 6 years after the bestial death of Oury Jalloh in cell No. 5 in Dessau we continue to say: Oury Jalloh - that was murder! and demand: Break the Silence! Truth! Justice! Compensation!
Link: :: PM - Verschiebung und Verschleppung des LG Magdeburg im Fall Oury Jalloh
Reports from the lagers and the refugee community initiatives in Germany
- Discussion with Rex Osa from Refugee Initiative Biberach, and other delegates from Baden-Wurttemberg, and Salomon Wantchoucou, Refugee Initiative Möhlau/Wittenberg.
We shall be discussing in The Caravan network on the anti-lager campaigns and to evaluate the struggles of refugees against the discriminatory policies on migration control and the racist integrations debates. Further, we want to help strenghten the solidarity in remberance of our call to protest police brutality and repression, the role of the state institutional execution of violence against refugees and migrants that have resulted in deaths, suicides and the deportation mechanisms in Germany.
We are in solidarity to break the fear and the silence on the state exploitation of refugee, repression, racial profiling and discrimination.
Discussions with delegates:
- Rex Osa, :: Refugee Initiative Biberach, Baden Württenberg
- Salomon Wantchoucou, :: Refugee Initiative Möhlau/Wittenberg
Karawane Solidarity Initiative for struggles of refugees on hungerstrikes in Bayern.
Press Initiative in Refugee Heims: Testimonies and visits of activists to the Heims in Thueringen - racial profiling and discrimination by the state officials of the refugee lagers and discussion with Dr. Maqsud Agaev (Apolda) and Sallah Aldin (:: Zella-Mehlis) from the refugee community initiatives in Thueringen and Clemens Wigger (FSU Jena & The VOICE Network).
Delegates from other communities in Thüeringen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden Württemberg and NRW will participate in the conference.
10:30 Opening of the Conference by Osaren Igbinoba
11:45-13:40 Reports and discussions in groups
13:45-14:30 Lunch
Presentations of the groups and discussion with delegates of the refugee initiatives
Oury Jalloh Memorial
Presentation of the foregone discussions on the Caravan Tribunal on the Situation of Refugees in Germany
Refugee community initatives in lager
18:15-19:00 Dinner
The racist integration debates
The next events
21:30 End of the conference
"Lets make the refugee lager to be HISTORY of the past in Germany."
The German Lager Mentality is an act of forceful execution of the violation of human dignity. We demand for the abolition of lagers, we demand deportation stop. Abolish the apartheid Residenzpflicht in Germany.
Links on lager and control mentality:
- :: On Colonial Injustice and the Continuity of Barbarity in Germany
:: The 'Fortress Within' Restriction of Movement and Refugee Self-Organisation
:: Make Donation to support the Refugee Community in the lagers/camps in Germany!
Break the Isolation! Close all lagers!