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Dieser Bereich dokumentiert globale Kämpfe von Migrant_innen und bietet Informationen zu den EU Migrationspolitiken, Grenzregimen und deren Instrumenten wie dem Schengen Information System (SIS) oder der "freiwilligen Rückkehr", Migrationsmanagement und zwischenstaatlichen Organisationen zur Migrationsabwehr (wie IOM und ICMPD), privaten ProfiteurInnen (wie European Homecare) und dem Zusammenhang von Migration und Sexarbeit.

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Am Freitag, 18. Dezember 2015, wird der globale Aktionstag für die Rechte von Migrant_innen, Geflüchteten und Vertriebenen abgehalten. In Wien gibts dazu eine Demo: Treffpunkt 17 Uhr, ehemaliges Kurierhaus, Lindengasse 48 - 52, 1070 Wien, Demozug zum Innenministerium.


Organisations from Italy call to open the borders in Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia and to stop the massive push-back based on ethnic and national discriminations. They ask to sign and share the call and to end the massive violations of refugees and asylum seekers' rights along the Balkan route!


Bericht von der Situation in Berkasovo und Rigonce an der Serbisch / Kroatischen Grenze, vom 18. - 27. Oktober 2015.


Austria is slowing down the transit process, which leads to overcrowding and a long queue in the corridor ("no man's land") between the Slovenian and the Austrian camp.


Short information about the situation at the slovenian austrian border in Spielfeld.


Croatia / Slovenia / Austria - Migrants and refugees are now transported with trains directly from Croatia to Slovenia and after registration further to the Austrian border.


On 20th and on 21st of October 2015 at Berkasovo-Bapska (SRB-CRO) border crossing once again, people were stronger than the barricades the croatian police put up there. After the night spent in the mud and cold, 2500 people overcame the fence or went around it over the "green border".


Frontex slows down registration procedures in 'Hot Spot' Moria, leaving refugees for days in life-threatening conditions

zum thema 114 grenzregime griechenland


After Hugary closed the border to Croatia, more and more people arriving in the south of Austria in Styria. Here you find updates from Spielfeld and Bad Radkersburg border crossings.


On Sat, 24. Oct 2015, a lecture series about Women*specific Reasons to Escape start in Vienna. The first event is about "Experiences of Refugee Women*" with activists from Munich and Berlin (International Women* Space).

zum thema 41 frauen und migration


General Info: Since the route of the corridor has been changed, there have been several delays of traffic and transports on different parts of the route. This leads to people being stuck for a day or more, unable to continue with official transports.


The Migrants Day of Global Action on December 18th, 2015, will contribute to give more visibility to all initiatives taking place on that day throughout the world, demonstrating against racism and promoting human and civil rights for migrants, refugees, and displaced people.


Ein Bericht von "Die schweigende Mehrheit sagt JA" zur Situation am Grenzübergang Spielfeld am ersten November Wochenende.


This the the first info from the camps around Passau and the three border-crossings that are still open.


Information about the situation for migrants and refugees travelling from Greece to Serbia during their stay in Macedonia.


[31. Oct 2015]

zum artikel 4972 Entlang der Balkanroute

Ein Reisebericht solidarischer Gruppen aus Halle und Leipzig im September / Oktober 2015.

zum thema 8 antirassistische arbeitspraxis


Information by welcome to europe - live feed on the movement within the "humanitarian" corridor threw Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.


Croatia / Slovenia / Austria - These are independent information from activists and migrants from the terrain. Please keep in mind, that everything is changing quickly, so there is no guarantee that these information will be valid for longer time.


Die Fluchtrouten über den Balkan haben sich nun Richtung Slowenien und die Steiermark verlegt. Tausende Geflüchtete kommen an der Südgrenze Österreichs an, Unterstützung wird gebraucht!

zum thema 8 antirassistische arbeitspraxis


[21. Oct 2015]

zum artikel 4947 Europe, please act!

An Open Letter to the Governments of Europe. 30+ groups of volunteers across the Europe connected to a common call to action. They ask everybody: Please read it, share it and urge your government to act now!

zum thema 45 europaeische politik zu migration und unsicherheit


Since Hungary effectively closed its border for migrants the route has been redirected by the Croatian state towards Slovenia. Slovenian government agreed to allow the passage as long as Austria and Germany keep their borders open, but only for up to 2500 persons per day (although, on saturdey they took in some 3600). This is supposedly the number for which they have a capacity to accommodate/process/transfer.


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