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Deportationen sind eine tödliche Praxis. Weltweit regt sich Widerstand gegen (das Geschäft mit) Abschiebungen.

deportatiNO handelt vom alltäglichen Widerstand gegen Internierung und Deportationen, von Kämpfen für Aufenthaltstitel, von Kampagnen gegen Fluggesellschaften und Firmen, die mit Abschiebungen Geld verdienen und von Aktionen gegen Grenzen und Grenzregime. Bewegungsfreiheit für alle - überall!

deportatiNO deals with everday resistance to detentions and deportations, struggles for residental and work permits, campaigns against airline carriers and companies that earn money through deportations, and actions against borders. Freedom of movement for anyone - everywhere!

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Am Samstag, den 17. Oktober 2015 fand die Demonstration des "Protest Camp" in Graz statt. Die klare Aussage und der Wunsch der Refugees war: "Wir haben keine Zeit und müssen unsere Familien vor dem Tod retten!"

zum thema 68 graz


Situation on the balkans migration route getting worse! Update from situation in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. There is an urgent call to contact Serbian authorities to take action!


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia. Border between Hungaria and Croatia has been closed. The migration route is now threw Croatia and Slovenai to Austria.


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Donations still needed, volunters needed in Hegyeshalom and other places.


Die Flüchtlinge vom Refugee Protest Camp im Grazer Stadtpark organisieren eine Demonstration am Samstag, den 17. Oktober 2015. Hier finden sich ein paar Informationen zum Protestcamp und der Aufruf zur Unterstützung. Helft den Refugees, kommt zur Demo bzw. zum Protestcamp und verbreitet diese Informationen.

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Persönliche Eindrücke von der Situation in Bapska auf der kroatischen Seite des Grenzübergangs - vom 26. Sep bis 2. Oct 2015.


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. URGENT CALL FOR DONATIONS for MigrationAid and "SOS Budapest - Bamako", as well for the support in Zankany, stores are getting empty! Volunteers needed in Presevo and Beograd, as well at Hegyeshalom and Bapska border.


Seit dem 30. September 2015 campieren Refugees vor der Landespolizei- direktion am Parkring 4 (Stadtpark), um auf ihre Lage aufmerksam zu machen.

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05./06. Oct 2015: #SOSkonvoi ist seit Anfang September unterwegs, um Menschen entlang der Fluchtrouten am Balkan zu helfen. Ausgehend von einem Büro in Wien, werden die Hilfslieferungen koordiniert. Teams vor Ort übernehmen die Verteilung. Laufend werden Menschen gesucht, die sich beteiligen, auch Sach- und Geldspenden sind willkommen.


Croatia / Serbia / Hungary Update. Volunteers needed around Bapska, Presevo, Zakany and Hegyeshalom.


Dear brothers and sisters, here are some updates about the current situation (03.10.2015), these are independent information from activists and refugees from the terrain. Please keep in mind, that everything is changing quickly, so there is no guarantee that these information will be valid for longer time.


The demonstration on 16th of Otober 2015 held at the Eurostar terminal in St. Pancras Station, London was a great display of solidarity with people living in Calais who are trying to reach the UK. The 'die-in' and rally of 500 or so people that blocked the station for several hours, caused delays on Eurostar trains, hitting the company where it hurts, which is also the only place it cares about.

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Updates from the borders and migration routes in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. After Hungarian border has been closed, new route of refugees goes via Slovenia. On Sunday situation was getting worse on many places! "Dear volunteers, now please be prepared for everything."


15. Oktober 2015: We are at Bapska border (Serbia/Croatia) for 5 days now. As we have taken the night shifts, I can only tell about them.


Amnesty International started an urgent action to halt the deportation of 3 refugees who are detained in Turkey since 22nd of September 2015. They are threatened with deportations to war zones in Syria and Irak. Send protest letters to the responsible authorities!


The refugees who are protesting in the Refugee Portest Camp in Graz, Stadtpark are organizing a demonstration on Saturday, 17th of October 2015 at 3pm. Read their call for support and help them to spread this information.

zum thema 68 graz


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Donations needed at many places now. Help is urgently needed in Presevo!


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Donations for MigrationAid and "SOS Budapest - Bamako" needed, storages are getting empty! Volunteers needed in Presevo, at Hegyeshalom and Bapska border, in Beograd and Zakany.


Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Help for MigrationAid needed, storages are getting empty! Volunteers needed at the Hegyeshalom border, in Beograd, Zakany, around Bapska and Presevo.


Ein Bericht von Alexander Stoff über Menschen, die am Hauptbahnhof Wien ankommen und über Helfer_innen, die diese unterstützen.


Nachdem die Polizei in Kroatien und Serbien die Arbeit von Unterstützer _innen der Flüchtlinge mehr und mehr behiderte, macht der Soliconvoy 'Aint No Border High Enougth!', auch bekannt als mobile Küche, vorerst Pause - "bevor bestimmt neue Pläne entstehen".


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