Dear brothers and sisters, here are some updates about the current situation (03.10.2015), these are independent information from activists and refugees from the terrain. Please keep in mind, that everything is changing quickly, so there is no guarantee that these information will be valid for longer time.
Croatia / Serbia / Hungary / Macedonia: The repression against volunteers is increasing, refugees still arriving in europe and travelling threw the balcans, but they are forced more and more to be registered on several places. EU starts big operations against so called "smugglers".
Since more then one week 5 people are arrested in Istanbul, Turkey, because they participated on the campaign #crossingnomore. For more the one week the authorities give false information and the arrested ones are defamed in a terrible way.
Public Announcement and Press Release by Laywers of the Imprisioned on 27th September 2015. - A Needed Declaration About Our Clients Taken Under Custody During the March of Syrian refugees.
Mitteilung vom 25. Sep 2015 und Updates. Militär verhindert Arbeit von Helfer_innen im Flüchtlingslager Opatovac, Notversorgung sollen sie trotzdem leisten, doch sie beenden ihren Einsatz vor Ort. Die Repression gegen Helfer_innen nimmt zu.
One more international Caravan and Convoi for practical help to cross the borders starts from Berlin. The aim is to support the blocked people in the border regions of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia and along the transit routes.
antirassistische arbeitspraxis .
Upadte from the border crossings between Serbia and Croatia and call for supporters to come - and be prepared.
Make Europe, open borders! Starting in Ljubljana / Slovenia on the 26th of September 2015 at 10 am, and going to the border at which migrants will be struggling for freedom of movement.
antirassistische arbeitspraxis .
Turkey, 19. Sep 2015: We don't want food, we don't want water, we don't want humanitarian help, we want to cross the border by the land. We will cross or die here.
Romano Jekipe Ano (Vereinigte Roma) Hamburg besetzt den Michel und fordert ein Bleiberecht
roma .
Since yesterday, 15. Sep 2015, when Hungary attempted to close its borders, by bringing army and heavy police force at the newly built fence, and the new law criminalising migrants has stepped into force, up to 5000 migrants have been stuck at the border.
grenzregime ungarn .