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Deportationen sind eine tödliche Praxis. Weltweit regt sich Widerstand gegen (das Geschäft mit) Abschiebungen.

deportatiNO handelt vom alltäglichen Widerstand gegen Internierung und Deportationen, von Kämpfen für Aufenthaltstitel, von Kampagnen gegen Fluggesellschaften und Firmen, die mit Abschiebungen Geld verdienen und von Aktionen gegen Grenzen und Grenzregime. Bewegungsfreiheit für alle - überall!

deportatiNO deals with everday resistance to detentions and deportations, struggles for residental and work permits, campaigns against airline carriers and companies that earn money through deportations, and actions against borders. Freedom of movement for anyone - everywhere!

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We, associations engaged daily with migrants, are convinced that the government plan to destroy jungles is ineffective and exacerbates the situation.

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[25. Aug 2009]

zum artikel 3082 Abschiebung von Felix Otto

Trotz massiver öffentlicher Proteste von The VOICE Refugee Forum wurden Felix Otto am 25.08.2009 nach Kamerun abschoben.

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Eine anarchistische Gruppe hat am Sonntag, 23. August 2009 auf das in Bau befindliche Abschiebegefängnis am Rotterdamer Flughafen einen Brandanschlag verübt.

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Collected articles from people in Calais. They went there to show solidarity with the migrants, treated by police every day.

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In der Nacht auf den 13. August 2009 gegen 1.30 Uhr hat die Polizei mit einem massiven Aufgebot damit begonnen, die "Brorsons Kirke" im Stadtteil Nørrebro zu räumen. Zahlreiche Menschen blockierten die Polizei, die mit massiver Gewalt den Weg frei räumte.


The police repression against migrants in Calais is rising. Activists are there to watch the police and support the migrants as much as possible. A call for direct support.

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Am Nachmittag des 24. Juli 2009 trafen sich 20-25 Aktivist_innen vor der französischen Botschaft am Schwarzenbergplatz in Wien, um gegen die massive Repression gegen Migrant_innen in Calais zu protestieren.

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Migrants on the French/ British border successfully resisted eviction and forced deportation yesterday. A handful of police raids were resisted by patrols of legal observers accompanied by journalists and cameramen, though at least 4 Afghans were taken by snatch squads.

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Migrant camps threatened with clearance at Calais 21st July 2009. Mass deportations to Afghanistan planned for 24th July, widespread human rights abuses imminent.

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With the burning and clearing of the main migrant camp in Patras, Greece, it seems there is a Europe-Wide attack on those without the luck to have a EU-Passport. On Tuseday next week the make-shifts camp whoch the migrants have built in calais are to be destroyed.

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Dieser Bericht von noborder CamperInnen auf Indymedia gibt einen Einblick in das noborder Camp von 23. bis 29. Juni 2009 in Calais, Frankreich.

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Come to Calais to protest against the destruction of camps and squats of migrants! International solidarity actions in front of all French embassies in Europe!

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Released Pagani migrants and No Borders activists together drive Frontex away.

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On 23. August 2009, a detention centre under construction in Rotterdam, Netherlands, was sabotaged - a big part burned down. Here you find the admission statement.

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Als Reaktion auf die Ereignise der Nacht auf den 13. August 2009 kam es in Kopenhagen und vielen anderen dänischen Städten zu Demonstrationen gegen Abschiebung und für Bleiberecht.


More people needed! - The repression of migrants in Calais continued over 3rd and 4th of August 2009. Solidarity action in Barcelona.

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In the afternoon of the 24th of July 2009, some 25 activists met in front of the French embassy in Vienna to protest against raids, evictions and deportations of migrants in Calais and all-around.

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Documentation of a protest against a mass deportation from UK to Cameroon. The removal took place on Thursday, 9th of July, 2009.

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On 21st of July, the eviction of the Jungles in Calais didn't occur, but there is still a lot of tension and in the air. Official racism shows his dirty face.

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On Saturday 27th June, over 2000 people took part in the Transnational demonstration in the French port city of Calais, called by the Calais No Border Camp 2009.

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The following "Camp Statement" was agreed at a meeting of the camp on Sunday 28th June, 2009.

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